[PG 3] Mass Effect: Miasma (Materials Continued)

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Squad Introduction Teasers (Continued)

"The Insider"

"My time in Cerberus was well spent

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"My time in Cerberus was well spent. They gave me opportunities the Alliance would've never given a second thought about. I learned things about our galaxy you can't even phantom. They allowed me to work on numerous A.I. projects, learning from the best tech jockeys humanity has to offer. Then... then Cerberus began to change.

In the beginning, I saw Cerberus as a pro-human organization with the goal of bettering our species. Then they attacked the Quarian fleet, slaughtered Salarian colonies, and even did experiments on live aliens.

I'll never forget the screams of those Cerberus cut open...

I left as soon as I had the chance.

Now, Cerberus wants me dead. The things I know would endanger their entire existence.

I ran to Omega to hide among the vagrants and criminals. Life was hard and I had to do some less than morally correct things to get by. I pissed off so many mercenary groups while I was there... hell, I think even Aria herself wants me strung up from the neck. So yeah, I'm grateful you let me aboard your ship, Seven.

But if you don't mind me asking- can you let me work with your A.I.? I believe I can help solve the mystery behind it. I swear, you won't regret it."

- Howard Craft

"The Relic"

"I've been through a lot in my time

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"I've been through a lot in my time. The Rachni War. The Krogan Rebellions. The creation of the Genophage... As a Krogan, I'm supposed to act like the painful experiences in my life are trophies to be held. The harrowing memories serving as medals around my neck. But the truth is, I don't see anything I've experienced like those bloody times as "honorable" or "fun" as the aliens expect me to say. The memories are horrific blurs at best... and vivid terror at their worst.

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