Part 1

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In Orario under a massive Tower dubbed Babel lay the Dungeon, the source of monsters worldwide. Many adventures have come to make a name for themselves in there and to do so they join with Gods and Goddesses in Familas who bestow their blessings in the form of a Flana which gives them the strength needed to combat the monsters that roam the Dungeon. In a recent year, Bell Cranel, a young boy with white hair and red eyes started his journey as the first member of Hestia: The Goddess of the Hearth's Familia. He was a 16-year-old boy inspired by the tales of heroes and his grandfather's stories.

On the fifth floor of the Dungeon, Bell quickly moved as he finished removing a magic stone from the last monster he was able to defeat remembering he promised that he would become a hero like those of old and perhaps he could pick up girls just like the old man wished. Still, he wouldn't tell his goddess that it was far too embarrassing to admit. He needed to get stronger and go deeper but as of right now, he had just planned to finish a room or two more before returning until he heard hooves on stone moving his way. Trying to remember what monsters were common on this floor Bell prepared for what was on its way but flattered as he saw the lumbering form of a Minotaur barreling towards him.

"What's a minotaur doing here?!" Bell screamed in fear as it grew closer. He attempted to attack it when it was close enough but his guild-issued knife just bounced off its skin and he had to roll out of the way when it swung its arm his way shattering rocks in the process. 'I can't let it hit me I can't leave my goddess all alone, but if I run to the fourth floor more adventures could get hurt. I have to lose it before returning.' He ran into another hall making as much noise as possible for the beast to follow. Barley dodged a few more attempts on his life his legs started to feel heavy and his lungs burned, but no matter what he did the beast was just out of range chasing him. He made a quick left turn only for his heart to stop, a wall met his vision. He had run into a dead-end.

" it can't end now..." Bell pleaded with anything that was listening. "Please... I can't die here...not until I fulfill my promise..." The Minotaur slammed its fist into the wall and prepared to charge, Bell sighed and prepared his knife knowing it would do nothing. "I am going to do everything in my power to be a hero!!" With a last desperate howl, the two combatants charged, and in the ensuing clash, Bell's knife found purchase in the beast's eye as it slammed him into a wall his vision faded and one last thing ran through his mind. 'I'm sorry Hestia you're going to be alone again...' After a long time, Bell felt someone move him and, fading back into consciousness, could barely hear what was being said.

"You...he's...them?" a male voice asked.

"No... uniform...match." A more regal-sounding voice responded.

"...explorer...injured." A younger more deadpan voice suggested.

"...could him?" Another questioned.

"I could...Tearal!" Bell felt his pain start to fade and his eyes slowly opened only to be blinded by the light of a brazer and then quickly covered them.

"Where's... the...Minotaur?" Bell choked out his throat was so dry.

"Hold on I've got some water on me." A boy a little older than him wearing glasses responded. He slowly poured some water for Bell. "Now could you tell us who you are?"

"I'm Bell Cranel I'm with the guild." Bell looked around there were five of them surrounding him but it didn't look like he was on the fifth floor anymore, was he moved? He didn't know.

"A Bracer, what's one of them doing here?" A boy with red hair asked the others. What was a bracer? Was it some term for a new adventurer?

"I don't know I thought the guild was shut down." A boy with dark hair answered. "We can ask Sara when we are out of here, for now, we need to catch up with the kidnappers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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