Alfie journal entry (page 1)

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So far my quest to kill Muzan is going quite successful i decided to keep a record of everything I've done up till now this book also contains the forms of sun and how to use sun breathing.
I haven't met the Muzan quite yet but he's very well dead when he comes too my door step recently I killed a few lower moons with nevaehs help she's proven to be a valuable asset as soon as she found her own breathing style well when we had family around she had a heart of gold always offering too help out when needs be it was peaceful back then...
Also I've met new friends a I met Tanjiro at final selection he is a maroon haired boy with a green checkered haroai and a corps uniform I also met quite an interesting character his name is Zenitsu he acts like a baby that's scared but there's something about him that tells me different I'm very good at reading people often we're currently off too mount Natigumo so hopefully we all make it back In one piece.
Journal entry finished

A/N- sup guys thought it'd be nice to do something in between chapters as it gives you an idea of how the characters may feel about things also id like to shout out my amazing friend Nebula-ilyn  she has a great story you should definitely check out she's currently helping work out some ideas as I have her but some news about upcoming chapters I'm currently working on the Nevaeh chapter and will be slowly working on a 2 part finale too demon slayer season 1 I'm hoping for this book too follow the anime and manga with some of my own ideas thrown in hear and there. Also in future looking forward to a demon slayer collaboration chapter with the wonderful Nebula-ilyn so with all this information I'm your author signing out. Ps. I thought I'd do my own thing compared to the taisho area secrets so you be seeing a lot more journal entries from different characters.

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