part 7.

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Georgia: Come on kiddo let's go have a kick about.
Y/n: I'm not very good though, I don't want to embarrass myself.
Georgia: You won't, and if you aren't the best then you are with the best people to help you improve.
Keira: G is right, now come on kiddo, I want to see what you got.
Y/n: Ok.

Lucy's pov:
I watch how well Keira deals with Y/n, I really appreciate how she is with her, just as I'm thinking this we all start to walk outside to one of the pitches, we all play for a while and Y/n is actually quality, I wouldn't say I was surprised because I never doubted that she would be good but I was just a tiny bit shocked at how good she was, considering she said that she's never played for a team before.

Keira: Kiddo what were you on about when you said you couldn't play, you're amazing.
Georgia: Keira's right, we could barely keep up with you.
Y/n: Thanks guys.
Keira: Of course kiddo, now come on let's go get a shower.

We all start to walk back in to the changing rooms to get our stuff but as we are walking Y/n just collapses.

Georgia: Kiddo, wake up.
Keira: That's not how it works G, she passed out.
Georgia: Well what do we do then?
Lucy: First you need to both calm down, ok good, now let's get her somewhere more comfortable.
Georgia: I'll carry her to the chill room.
Keira: No we'll take her up to our room, all the girls will be in the chill room.
Lucy: Ok you two take her up, I'll get Sarina, she'll know what to do.
Keira: Ok Luce *Lucy walks off* Right ok I'll carry her up. *they go up to Lucy and Keira's room and she places Y/n down on the bed*
Georgia: Did I make her run around too much, is that why she passed out? oh I'm sorry Ke.
Keira: Stop worrying, I'm almost certain it's because she hasn't eaten properly, don't blame yourself.
Georgia: If you're sure.
*Just then Lucy comes practically running in with Sarina*
Sarina: Right what happened?
Keira: We we're having a kick about and then when we came back in she just collapsed, I think it's cause she hasn't eaten properly.
Lucy: Yeah but we didn't know what to do.
Sarina: Right ok we just need to make her comfortable so she's ok when she wakes up.

We make sure that Y/n is comfortable and then she starts waking up, trying to sit up.

Lucy: No kiddo, stay laying down for me.
Y/n: What, what happened?
Lucy: Do you not remember passing out?
Y/n: No all I remember is us playing football and then now I'm here.
Keira: Kiddo we were walking back in and you collapsed.
Y/n: I'm sorry.
Sarina: You have nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault.
Y/n: It is, look I appreciate everything you've all done but I should leave, I'm just getting in the way *tries to get up but someone grabs her arm*
Georgia: Kiddo no, you're not going anywhere.
Y/n: No I am, I just keep getting in the way.
Keira: *picks you up and holds you tight* nope you're not going anywhere, and you are not getting in the way of anything.
Y/n: Keira let me go.
Keira: I can't do that.
Y/n: Please Keira, I'll be fine just let me go.
Keira: No kiddo, we're here for you and aren't going to leave you.
Lucy: Keira's right. *Sarina and Georgia decide to leave to give you three some space* Right come on let's get some rest.
Y/n: Ok but promise neither of you will leave.
Keira: Of course we won't *gets into bed* come on kiddo, come give me a cuddle.

Y/n gets into bed next to me and I just hold the poor young girl tight so that she knows I'm not going anywhere. Once she's finished in the bathroom, Lucy joins us in bed, putting her arm around me tightly, and before we know it all three of us are fast asleep.

Lucy's pov:
I wake up the next morning with Keira and Y/n still fast asleep next to me, I decide to get up and get ready while they're still sleeping. So I get up and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed ready for training before going back in to the room, needing to wake Keira up so she can get ready as well.

Lucy: You need to wake up baby.
Keira: *Half asleep* Hmm what's the time?
Lucy: Half 7, we need to get downstairs soon for breakfast.
Keira: Ok I'll go get ready, can you wake this one up?
Lucy: Of course *Keira goes into the bathroom* Y/n darling, you need to wake up.
Y/n: I'm tired tho Luce.
Lucy: I know kiddo, sorry.
Y/n: Fine I'm getting up.
Lucy: You know your Irish accent really comes out strong when you've just woken up.
Y/n: Yeah I know, I don't really like it.
Lucy: Why not?
Y/n: Oh I've just always been made fun of for it, the only person who didn't was my sister Katie but I haven't seen her since I was about 3.
Lucy: You've never said you had a sister.
Y/n: Yeah, I love her but I doubt I'll ever see her again.
Lucy: Do you have the same last name as your sister?
Y/n: Yeah why?
Lucy: We might be able to find her, what is your last name?
Y/n: McCabe.
Lucy: Kiddo, would your sister be about 28 now?
Y/n: Yeah why?
Lucy: I think your sister may be Katie McCabe.
Y/n: That's her name yeah.
Lucy: No as in the one who plays for arsenal kiddo.
Y/n: No it can't be.
Lucy: How do you know, look kiddo I love you and so does Keira, you know that, but wouldn't you like to see your sister again.
Y/n: More than anything.
Lucy: Then we'll try and sort that out, *Keira walks back in* Ke can you get Le to come up here quickly please?
Keira: She's already down eating but can't you ask her whatever you need down there.
Lucy: Yeah true, just need to ask her a favour.
Y/n: Lucy thinks she knows my sister!
Keira: That's cool kiddo, shall we go find out?
Y/n: Yeah!

Keira's pov:
I do want Y/n to find her sister of course I do, I already know who Lucy thinks it is and I agree, the only problem is I think I'm already too attached to her and it will be very hard if I don't get to see her anymore, but I can't show my disappointment and have to be happy for the young girl.

Y/n: Hurry up Luce and Ke
Lucy: I'm coming Y/n, go sit with Leah, Georgia and Jordan and me and Ke will go get some food then be over.
Y/n: Ok *Runs over to the table* Hi guys.
Georgia: Someone's feeling better.
Y/n: Yeah.
Leah: Come and sit down next to me, Luce and Ke are coming over now.
Y/n: *Lucy and Keira walk over and Lucy gives Y/n her food* Thank you Luce.
Lucy: No problem, Le can I ask a favour?
Leah: No Lucy I'm not sorting a birthday present for Ke from you again *laughs*
Keira: I knew you wouldn't have thought of that babe. *laughs*
Lucy: Leah Catherine Williamson! And no it's not that, it's for Y/n.
Leah: Oh then yeah of course, what's up?
Lucy: Do you think you could get me in contact with Katie, from arsenal.
Leah: I don't see why not, how come though?
Lucy: We think her and Y/n are sisters.
Georgia: They can't be, Y/n isn't Irish.
Y/n: Yeah I am!
Georgia: Really, I wouldn't have noticed.
Lucy: Her accent is definitely stronger when she's only just woken up.
Leah: Ok well I'll text her now and see if she can call after our training and we can talk to her.
Y/n: Thank you Le *hugs Leah*
Leah: It's my pleasure kiddo.

Katie McCard 😂

Leah: Hey Katie you ok? x

Katie: Yeah all good Leah, you? What's up? x

Leah: Yeah I'm all good, just messaging to ask you something? x

Katie: Yes go on x

Leah: Do you by any chance have any memories of a younger sister called Y/n? x

Katie: I did but I haven't seen her in about 10 years why? x

Leah: Look I have to go for training now but can I call you after x

Katie: Yes Leah  please do, have a good training x

Leah: Katie is good to talk after training.
Lucy: Thanks Le.
Leah: No problem now come on girls let's go.

a/n: hope you enjoyed!

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