Part 10.

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Caitlin's pov:

The whole time that we have been sitting here, Lauryn has just been looking at Katie as if she wanted to punch the latter right in the face, I can tell why because Katie did handle that situation awfully, but I can't have them arguing with each other because right now the most important thing is that they are both there for Y/n. About half an hour after Y/n has fallen asleep I decide that I have had enough and decide that I need to say something to them both.

Caitlin: Right Lauryn I get that you are annoyed at Katie for how she dealt with Y/n earlier but you two can't be arguing around her, she needs you both right now.

Lauryn: Cait is right, I'm sorry Katie.

Katie: No I'm sorry, I was a proper dick earlier, now come here

Lauryn: Sorry, kind of can't move *laughs*

Katie: Oh yeah, I'll come to you *moves and hugs Lauryn*

Caitlin: There we go, that's better *sneakingly takes a picture of all three of them cuddled up and posts is to her instagram, with the caption*

Cute little sisterly moment. ❤️ katie_mccabe11 & laurynmccabe15 (a/n: couldn't find a picture I liked so use your imaginations)

Lauryn: Caitlin Foord, you are so dead

Caitlin: What, I haven't done anything *laughs*

Lauryn: Yes you have, Katie look at what she just posted

Katie: Caitlinnnn, why did you do that?

Caitlin: It's cute, you were all laying there so I took my opportunity.

Okay, was kind of expecting that kind of reaction, but it's cute so oh well. They stop arguing with me after this and we just go back to talking about random things while Y/n is still sleeping. She ends up sleeping all through the night, Lauryn and Katie sleeping in our bed so that we didn't wake Y/n, and I slept in the spare room, if I am being honest after being with Katie for so long, it felt really weird sleeping in a bed on my own, but I was fine with it for a night so that we didn't disturb Y/n, I was woken up very early this morning too, I guess Y/n woke up and noticed that I wasn't there because I was woken up by her jumping onto me.

Caitlin: Hello darling, you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, Lauryn and Katie were still asleep and I missed you.

Caitlin: Okay kiddo, should we have a cuddle while they sleep?

Y/n: Yeah *gets into bed next to Caitlin*

Caitlin: Okay kiddo, come here then darling *holds Y/n close*

We lay there for a while and then Katie comes rushing in, clearly panicking.

Caitlin: Woah Katie what's wrong babe?

Katie: Where's Y/n?

Caitlin: She's here, she came in and said you and Lauryn were still asleep and that she wanted a hug.

Katie: Oh ok good, I was really worried there.

Caitlin: She's safe don't worry.

Katie: Thanks Cait, why did you sleep in here though?

Caitlin: You, Lauryn and Y/n looked so comfortable when you all fell asleep so I did not want to disturb you.

Katie: Aww Cait that is so sweet, I missed your hugs though.

Caitlin: Well I will make sure that you get double the cuddles tonight.

Katie: Ok then I guess that will make up for it.

Caitlin: You are such a child babe, where have you left Lauryn?

Katie: She woke up too, she is just getting dressed.

Caitlin: Ok well I will wake this little one up and get her ready so that we are not late for training.

Katie: Yeah ok, Lauryn is walking to school today and then we have a meeting because I told Jonas about Y/n so he said we can introduce her to the girls.

Caitlin: Ok cool, *Katie leaves to finish getting ready* Y/n darling you need to get up for me

Y/n: No, I'm tired.

Caitlin: I know baby, but me and your sister need to go to training, you are going to have to come with us, you get to meet mine and your sister's friends.

Y/n: Oh ok.

Caitlin: And I am sure you can play some football while me and Katie do our training.

Y/n: *Jumps up* Ok I get up then.

Caitlin: Thought that might work *laughs* come on then, lets go get you dressed shall we

Y/n: Yeah! Can I wear my arsenal training kit so that I match you and Katie?

 Caitlin: Of course you can, come on little one, lets go get you dressed yeah.

Y/n: Yeah!

Caitlin: Ok come on kiddo.

I take Y/n into her room and help her get changed into her arsenal training kit, I still can't believe all of the scars and marks that she has all over her body, how could anyone do that to a child as sweet as Y/n, or any child for that matter.

Y/n: Thank you Cait.

Caitlin: That is ok kiddo

Y/n: Can you do my hair for me please as well?

Caitlin: Of course I can darling, come and sit down and I'll do it for you.

She sits down in front of me and I put her hair up into two plaits, but as I am finishing I notice that her arms are bleeding a tiny bit.

Caitlin: Oh darling are your arms ok?

Y/n: They are a bit sore but I will be ok

Caitlin: Let me clean them up and then I'll strap them up so they don't get infected.

Y/n: Ok but please don't hurt me Cait.

Caitlin: Of course I won't

Y/n: Thank you Cait

I clean her arms up, being careful not to hurt her, and then I strap them up so that she doesn't have to worry about keeping them clean, once I have done this I give Y/n a hug. 

Caitlin: I am sorry about what you have been put through kiddo, but I promise that I will not let anyone hurt you ever again

Y/n: Thank you Cait, I love you.

Caitlin: I love you too kiddo, now come on lets go downstairs and get our shoes on ready to leave, I think we are having breakfast at the training ground after the meeting today.

Y/n: Ok Cait, is Lauryn coming with us?

Caitlin: No sorry, she has to go to school, but if we go down now you can see her before she leaves and then you will see her later.

Y/n: Oh ok, can you carry me downstairs Cait?

Caitlin: Of course I can darling *Picks you up and carries you downstairs* Morning Lauryn.

Lauryn: Morning Caitlin, morning Y/n

Y/n: Morning Lauryn

Katie: Morning Y/n

Y/n: Morning Katie

Lauryn: Right I need to get going, I will see you all later

Katie: See you later Lauryn, have a god day

Lauryn: You too, bye guys

Caitlin: Bye

Y/n: Bye Lauryn

*Lauryn leaves and then Caitlin helps you into the car before getting in herself and Katie driving you all to the arsenal training ground, when you get there*

a/n: Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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