Chapter 1: A Little Sleep In And Cuddle

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One morning in London, Hilda was waking up. It was Saturday, which was her day off from working. She was tired, so she decided to sleep in a little more. Her little pet deerfox Twig, was also there. He wanted to sleep with her.

Hilda: "Twig. Will you please sleep with me for a little bit? I could use a bit of cuddling."

Twig leaped on the bed and got comfortable next to Hilda. Twig began to cuddle next to Hilda. He put his on her chest and close to her belly. Hilda felt so warm to Twig. Hilda smiled, and began to cuddle next to her little pet. She patted his head.

Hilda: (chuckles) "My chest is so soft, you can use it like a pillow. And my body heat should be more than enough to keep you warm. And you can listen to my heartbeat. And my belly's gurgly noises. Sleep tight my little Twig."

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