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(If you don't know already, the other person in the picture is Blossomy.)

Liam panted as he ran towards the cabin, where he thought Blossomy was. And she was there, she was crying over such a small thing too. Liam hesitated trying to comfort her but ultimately decided that he would. His feet made soft crunching noises as he stepped in the grass.

Blossomy stopped, and she raised her head. "Listen- I'm sorry for uhh..." Liam paused; what WAS he apologizing for? He didn't do anything wrong at all. All of this is just some crybaby crying over nothing. He didn't have to apologize for NOTHING--

"I-It's okay..." Blossomy wiped her tears and sniffled. "I... I was just r-really excited to show you my little playthings..." Blossomy sighed, before getting up and wiping her eyes once again. Liam felt guilty. But her choice of wording made him question what was behind those bushes again. He just shrugged it off.

"It's getting late..." Blossomy says. "I'll-I'll start the fire..!" She said, smiling once more and going past Liam. Liam turned around, not to look at Blossomy start the fire.. but to look at the sky. It looked like it was around the afternoon. Liam was heavily confused by this but didn't bother asking. 

Instead, he walked up towards Blossomy trying to start the fire with two rocks, and sat down on one of the log chairs. Blossomy already seemed to be over their small argument. "Hey, Liam!" She smiled. "Hi." Liam simply responded. "Uhh.. we have- food right?" Liam asks. "Food? I'll make some tomorrow!" April smiled once again.

A spark between the two rocks caught April's attention again. April groaned and started trying to light them up again. "...What did you do before... this?" Liam looked up, and so did April. She paused, looking away. "I..." She seemed to be hit with a wave of nostalgia, her eyes widening. "I used to work in a cafe with my friends!" April smiled, remembering when she actually had a place to live.

"I don't remember what it was called, though... I think it was something like 'Blossom of Peace", I remember.. it was named after me, cuz I was the one who owned it. It was... a little shop owned by me and my friends... I wonder how they might be doing now..? She slightly smiled at the thought, before frowning.

She shook her head before continuing to try and light a fire, after 20 long seconds, she finally did it. After April lit the fire, she sat opposite from Liam. "So, what did you do before you got here?" April asked. Liam lifted his head again. "I... used to work at this place... 'Guys This Is a Building'. I was riding my bike through the Golden Gate Bridge, and I think I crashed... I fell into the water, and I found myself here." Liam explained.

"The Golden Gate Bridge is in..." "San Francisco? Yeah, I live in San Francisco. I'm hoping to get back there sometime soon, though... where even is this place?" April seemed confused at Liam's question. "I... don't know actually." Blossomy sighed again, before laying down on the log she was sitting on.

Blossomy mumbled to herself things like "Why did I do that? Now I'm lonely..." "Can't he come back or something?" "Where did I even put him..?" and such. Liam shifted on the log, before getting up. "I'm going to go look around..." "No." Blossomy said, her tone completely different from under a minute ago. 

"Whah-" "Tomorrow, I don't want you wandering off, okay?" Blossomy tried playing her weird actions off as nothing, Liam was skeptical, but didn't ask about it. "Uhh... since we have some time, I'll go get some things to make you a bed," Blossomy said. "But in the meantime, you'll have to sleep on the grass. There's no like- bugs or anything here, so you don't have to worry about a worm crawling in your ear." She added, she said that like it was normal, too.

"O...kay?" Liam said, not caring enough to question her wording once again. "Can I at least go to sleep?" Liam felt awkward asking this, asking a person who he barely met if he could do basic tasks. While Blossomy, on the other hand, felt a sense of control, and she LOVED it. "Yeah." She smiled, getting up and going... somewhere, but Liam just assumed she was going to get the supplies for his bed.

Liam didn't want to sleep on the grass anymore, he remembered when Blossomy mentioned a worm crawling inside his ear (he doesn't have any ears (or ass) but whatever smh). So, Liam just laid down on the log and started falling asleep to the sounds of fire crackling. 




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KILL HIM (Reimagined/Rewritten) | HFJONE AUWhere stories live. Discover now