Minor inconvinces

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Guys listen I didn't forget I just didn't have ideas ok


Error sighed as the bitty in his possession squeaked at him as he fed it its tiny bottle. It just wouldn't let him put it down. Every time he tried to leave the anti-void he was yelled at by this tiny annoying creature. He literally had to bottle feed it and he couldn't get a moments peace it was his worst decision he'd rather hang out with the annoying paint freak. He wished he had left it on that au to die but he was also growing ever so slightly fond of the tiny brat.

As he pat the bitty's back to make it burp as he'd read in one of those stupid bitty care guides he picked up, he grumbled. He wrenched his hand away as the tiny thing spit up on his femur he scowled and riffled through a potato grabbing a handkerchief cleaning himself up before dropping it through another portal (straight to Underfell as per his usual). He dropped the nitty in the bassinet he pushed for the tiny thing  riffling around for the tiny pacifier he'd found for the thing. Of course he constantly lost it because of how small it was but the tiny brat just couldn't shut up if he didn't have it. Finally he found it in the bitty's usual hiding spot right infront of a portal that led to Underswap the bitty loved to watch just as much as he did. He didn't blame the kid it was usually the only reason he remembered to visit Swap— that reminded him he needed to visit his old friend he hasn't seen him in ages and in the anti-void you never knew how much time actually passed.

He resolved to do that later.

For now he had to give the best its pacifier and get to Nightmare's place the bitty could be left alone in his mind it couldn't even get past the wall of the crib— or so he thought. He didn't realize the little bitty scurrying out of the crib with their tiny little claws grabbing onto his pant leg and hitching a ride with him. They worked their way into his pocket and watched as Error made his way to Nightmare's palace.

Error none the wiser didn't feel the minuscule weight in his pocket as he stepped through the portal and entered Nightmare's office finding the god fiddling with a pen annoyed that Error was late—again.

Error steeped forward "I'm HeRe".

He spoke bluntly just as annoyed as his companion was. He flopped down on the hammock in Nightmare's office he'd put there (despite the god's protests). Nightmare rolled his eyes.

"You're late."

The destroyer look at him and shrugged "YeAh."

Nightmare sighed.


The king halted for a second before he saw Error's pocket shift and a tiny head that looked eerily similar to his right hand man's poke out. He was taken slightly aback before a tentacle reached out and tugged the creature towards him.

"Who's this?" He asked unamused by the stowaway.

Error grumbled "BiTtY i ReScUEd BrAt WoN't LeAvE mE aLoNe".

Nightmare let out an amused huff at the prospect of the destroyer with such a tiny creature.

"I'm amused." The god mused and gave the bitty back to the destroyer. "I assume he's not meant to be here?"

Error rolled his eyes "He's NoT".

Error set the bitty on his chest and laid back in the hammock unamused by the fact his new companion could infect escape his confines. He really didn't wanna lug the little best around but it seemed he'd have to. Next time he ran into a creature he'd just wave it there to die so he didn't have to deal with this again.

After all he didn't enjoy having a baby bitty with attachment issues by his side constantly and he surely didn't want a repeat—right? That's what he wanted to tell himself at least. He liked to believe he'd follow through but he was impulsive. He just had to wait and see.

Nightmare snapped to get him out of his thoughts "hey pay attention I have aus i need gone".

Error grumbled and looked over to his companion and painted as the god rambled on for hours about what Au's he needed gone to hurt his brothers power and to make it easier for them to go on a supply run soon. He didn't really care but he owed the god a favor so he had to do it. He got up and walked off into the multiverse the bitty in his scarf as he stalked around aus resorting them and snatching knock knacks he found cool. He finally finished up his task and looked down he realized that the bitty was gone.

Of course it was! The best always ran off as soon as he had shit to do he couldn't just destroy the au because he didn't wanna get rid of the tiny thing he enjoyed its company—even if it was annoying. He stalked around for a half an hour until he saw a little bitty shops he'd overlooked and entered the shop to see quite the sight— his little bitty with something he couldn't quite make out front he distance as he got closer he froze upon seeing what else was there—.

A destroyers bitty (REBOOTED)Where stories live. Discover now