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—right there next to his both was of course ANOTHER bitty as if his day couldn't get worse! He grumbled and scooped his bitty up shoving in through a portal right back to the anti void turning to leave the other bitty behind before it latched on to his ankle with its sharp tiny teeth. The destroyer let out a glitchy cry and plucked the creature off glaring at it. It seemed to be a variant of Horror it seemed hungry and fussy but he was still annoyed he didn't need more of this. He tried to drop it back into the floor but it bit onto his finger and wouldn't let go. He groaned and sucked in a deep breath.


He stormed home to his anti-void dropping both bitties into the bassinet annoyed with both creatures. He made them bottled and shoved them at the creatures while grumbling and pacing around extremely unhappy with how much had happened so fast. Why's he just keep letting tiny creatures into his home? He liked his peace and quiet not a yelling tiny creature that wouldn't leave him alone.

He slumped down on his bean bag and crossed his legs glaring at the tiny creatures who chirped and ate happily in the bassinet. They were cute—of course they were— but he was still unhappy. He was annoyed and missed his quieter anti-void though it'd never be truly quiet he liked to was there wasn't screaming crying tiny creatures. He just hoped that now they'd entertain each other and now bug him— but of course that didn't happen. A few hours later as he was heading out both of them squeezed and screaming after him the Killer bitty tugging himself out of the bassinet and crawling over to Error with a demanding squeak.

"YoU'rE not CoMiNg".

The bitty protested loudly with another squeak and grabbing onto his pant leg. God the thing was stubborn. Error grumbled and picked it off putting it back in the bassinet.


The bitty again protested and bit onto his pant leg fighting the grip of his tiny claws.

"Not hApPeNiNg GeT dOwN."

He tried to shake the bitty off to no avail. Of course thing was stubborn. Why wouldn't it be of course he was always the one annoyed with this shit. He just had had to exploring before he destroyed the aus—he wouldn't of course but it was nice to lie to himself—.

He sighed in defeat "FiNe".

He stuffed the bitty into his jacket and turned around plucking the Horror bitty out of the bassinet.

"DoN't RuN off."

With that he stepped through his portal into Underswap.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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