𝕄𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙er - 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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A week earlier

"A YEAR!?" I shouted furiously.

"You mean to tell me that my mother just arranged for me a marriage with a low class girl because her father is an OLD FRIEND!?" I shouted at my secretary, Marcy.

"Yes sir. Your mother asked me to tell you, since she can't be here to tell you in person." She answered cautiously.

The veins in my neck were throbbing by this point.

"This is giving me a headache.." I said rubbing my temples.

I needed to think in silence.

"Get out." I said to Marcy.

"Pardon me..?" She asked quietly.

"GET OUT BEFORE I FIRE YOU!" I shouted fed up with her ignorance.

As she scurried out my office I plopped down in my chair.

My mother must be a coward and a fool if she thinks for one second that I'm marrying a middle class city girl. I thought angrily.

My mother has been trying to force me to settle down since I took over the company. Now she's finally gotten what she wants

"Fine, I'll play your half-witted game mother."

And we'll see how long this poor girl lasts as my wife.



I sat there in my office as I waited for their arrival.

Where are they? I thought to myself.

Her and her father were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago, and it was pissing me off.

I waited another 5 minutes before they Finally walked in through the doors.

It took me almost no time to immediately notice the horrendous outfit that this woman was wearing.

I could see her father wasn't too happy about it either.

"Hello Mr. Warren..apologies for our tardiness; the traffic was terrible!" Her father greeted anxiously.

"Small talk won't get you anywhere in life Mr. Meyers." I said coldly.

I could see he was squirming already by that one sentence. Pathetic, I sneered.

Soon my attention was directed to the other nervous figure in front of me.

An red head. An ugly one at that.

I could see her swollen eyes, but didn't really care.

"You must be my soon to be bride.." I started glaring into her brown eyes.

'Bride' I thought to myself.

The word rolls off my tongue effortlessly, yet it still disgust me.

"Yes, and you must be my..." She trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow at her waiting for her to finish her sentence.

She took a deep breath as she finished what she was saying.

"Soon to be husband.." She stated before looking away.

I couldn't help but be amused by her nervousness. So I decided to keep messing with her.

"I thought I asked your father to have you dress nicely. Seems you don't know the meaning of that word.." I expressed without a second thought.

"Um..I-" She started but I cut her off.

"I don't appreciate mumbling; Speak
up." I demanded.

Now she looked like she was on the verge of tears; but she took a deep breath and gave me a clear answer.

"I'm more comfortable dressing modestly for the Lord and not for people.." She said quietly.

I stood there for a minute staring at her.

Then I looked to Marcy and asked her to direct Mr. Meyers out.

Once he was out of the room, I started stepping closer to her until she was backed up against the wall.

I stared down at her until she was looking directly at me fearfully and said:

"Enjoy dressing comfortably, because when you are my wife you will only be walking out of the house in decent clothing."

"We wouldn't want you looking more brainless than you already are now would we?" I asked smugly.

As I was turning to walk to my desk, I could see her eye filling with tears.

If she's crying already, then she's got a lot to learn about being my wife.

I signaled her to leave as she walked out with her head down.

I could already tell just by this meeting that she was going to be the most unintelligent girl I've ever been with.

Let's see if she can handle being Mrs. Warren.

A/N: Hey guys, are these chapters too short? Anyway hope you enjoyed the second chapter. 😅

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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