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a/n: yeah , i changed this chapter up.

The next day, I reluctantly allowed Yeonjun to dress me up because it made him happy. Personally, I thought the style change was a bit too much, which was a basic white t-shirt and cargo pants from yeonjun closet. I usually just wear sweats and call it a day, but yeonjun claims that i need to look - more- attractive for this plan to work.

The first step of the plan was to smooth things out. Yeonjun suggested i should find wooyoung and prentend yesterday didn't happen, and continue to model for him. Especially since i really didn't want to
take those tests.

So before my afternoon class, I made my way to the art building and headed towards the art studio where Wooyoung had been yesterday. Approaching the door, I cautiously peeked through the window, only to gasp in shock as I witnessed Wooyoung making out with some guy, who was sitting on his lap.

I watched as Wooyoung's hands roamed freely, one gripping the male's bottom while the other held onto his neck. Shaking my head in disbelief, I muttered to myself, "Five weeks my ass, poor girl," as I continued to observe the scene unfolding before me. Catching Wooyoung's gaze, I quickly averted my eyes and rushed away before he could say anything, the image of him with another person burning into my mind.

I took out my phone and quickly texted Yeonjun:

"Hey, we need to talk. Can you meet me at our spot in 10 minutes?"

I walked into the cafe to meet Yeonjun, feeling defeated after our plan failed. As I sat in front of him, he pushed a drink towards me. "Thanks," I muttered, taking a sip.

"What happened?" Yeonjun leaned in, concern etched on his face, and I sighed heavily.

"Nothing, I went to the art studio, and I saw him making out with some guy... He really has no shame," I said, shaking my head in frustration before taking another sip of the drink Yeonjun had ordered for me.

"Ugh, I hate him!" Yeonjun exclaimed, banging his fist on the table in anger.

"Don't worry, I'll figure something out," I assured Yeonjun, though I wasn't even sure myself how I would rekindle things with Wooyoung. But I was determined to do anything to make Yeonjun happy. "And when that happens, we will crush him."

"I like the sound of that, San," Yeonjun smiled, his eyes glinting with determination. Then, he clapped his hands together. "We need a code name for him."

My elbows propped on the table as I rested my chin in my hands. "What about 'smalldude'?"

Yeonjun wrinkled his nose at my suggestion. "that's not creative, " yeonjun rejects, and i could tell it's because he already had one in mind"let's keep it more to the point. How about 'Hopper'? Since he's a homie hopper," he proposed, the last bit carrying a tinge of bitterness that seemed to leak out inadvertently.

"Fine. hopper it is." I say agreeing , and sipping from my straw. This was my
favorite drink, a strawberry mango smoothie ,"this is so good."

"it's because it's you're favorite." yeonjun laughs in a duh tone, and drinks his beverage which is assume is a blueberry matcha tea.

Yeonjun and I engage in a light chat, momentarily diverting our thoughts from Wooyoung. As time slips by, I glance at my phone and realize it's time to head out for my next class.

"Bye, I'll see you after class," I said, waving goodbye to Yeonjun and tossing my empty cup in the trash before leaving the café. I made my way to the business building for my literary class, a session I particularly enjoyed, especially now with the creative writing project on the horizon.

As I entered the building and headed towards the elevator, I heard someone call my name. Turning around, I saw Wooyoung. He rushed over, pushed me into the elevator, and hit the stop button.

"What's wrong with you?!" I demanded, eyeing the male who mirrored my style but opted for a graphic shirt instead of a white one. I arched an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

"Are you following me or what? You creep," Wooyoung accused, squinting his eyes and tilting his head in suspicion.

I made a face, shoving him aside to press my floor button, but he hit the stop button again. "You're so full of yourself."

"I saw you watching me in the studio. Why?" Wooyoung pressed, and I crossed my arms, shrugging nonchalantly. "I was looking for you."

"Why?" he persisted, and with a huff, I shamelessly admitted, albeit in a low murmur barely audible, "I need the credit."

"Speak up," Wooyoung smirked, forcing me to meet his gaze. This was all for Yeonjun.

"I need the credits for this class, so I'm willing to keep quiet and model for you," I said, more clearly this time. Wooyoung's smile widened.

"I'll think about it," he said, pressing the button to resume the elevator's movement.

"What??" I exclaimed.

"Give me your number so I can think about it," Wooyoung smirked, holding out his phone. I sighed but surprised him by taking his phone and entering my number into his contacts. "Hmm, I'll text you later," he said, facing the elevator doors as they opened. Before stepping out, he quickly pressed all the buttons, leaving me with an unexpected detour but successfully initiating the first phase of our plan.

When the elevator finally reached the 6th floor, I stepped out and made my way to class. I found my seat next to Yeosang, who shared my major, and greeted him with a smile. "Hey, Yeosang."

"Hey, San. Um, how's your eye?" Yeosang inquired, examining my face with concern.

"It's healing. Yeonjun has been helping me cover it with makeup," I confessed, and Yeosang nodded in understanding. "And it doesn't hurt as much as before, so thanks for asking."

"No problem. Wooyoung is an ass; he deserves to be punched," Yeosang stated firmly.

"Yeah, I hate him so much," I muttered, letting out a sigh of frustration just before the teacher began the class. But it's okay, because at the end of the day wooyoung doesn't know what's going to hit him.

hint: not just my fist.

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