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oop die i thought i posted this two days ago

wooyoung: hey

As I lounged on my stomach in bed, engrossed in a TikTok tutorial on the art of flirting, a notification illuminated my phone screen. Yeonjun's critique of my flirting prowess as "cringe" echoed in my mind, prompting a sigh as I casually swiped through Wooyoung's message

san: hi

wooyoung: could you tell yeonjun to give me my art bag and bring it out next session.

wooyoung : he's blocked me it think.

sounds like yeonjun, I silently muse to myself before responding with a simple "okay."

wooyoung: see you tomorrow.

I take off my phone as Yeonjun entered our shared bedroom, fresh from a shower with his blue hair still damp. He was shirtless, clad in just his pajama bottoms, bobbing his head to the music blasting through his silver headphones. He danced around, singing along to "Not Allowed" by TV Girl, completely immersed in the moment.

"You're wasting your tongue with excuse and lies," Yeonjun sang out, his voice carefree and unguarded.

Our eyes met, and a brief, silent exchange passed between us. "What?" he asked, noticing the way I had been watching him.

I quickly shook my head and turn on my phone to go back to Tiktok. Yet, I couldn't resist stealing another glance at Yeonjun, who kept singing and dancing with an infectious energy. Despite the years of friendship and the bond that felt more familial than anything else, I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly handsome he looked in such a relaxed state. A part of me acknowledged that Wooyoung had missed out on a great guy, and if Yeonjun and I weren't as close as we were, if we were not friends, maybe I could see myself with him.

"I hope we're still friends, yeah, I hope you don't mind," he continued to sing, his voice pulling me back to the present.

I had to remind myself that these thoughts about Yeonjun were out of bounds. He was like a brother to me, and I couldn't afford to blur those lines, especially not now when we were in the middle of executing a plan that required clear heads and a strong partnership. I refocused on the screen, determined to keep my thoughts in check .

Yeonjun's sing-song voice called out my nickname, I turned to see him, casually shirtless, a scene I had grown accustomed to in our shared space. "Take off the light, please babe," he requested, his tone light and playful.

"what you -was just-." I was momentarily taken aback by the endearment, watching as he blew a kiss in my direction. He then settled under his purple blanket, donning an eye mask in preparation for sleep.

With a sigh, I pushed myself out of bed to flick the light switch, casting the room into darkness. "Goodnight, Sannie," Yeonjun murmured from his cocoon of blankets.

"Sleep tight," I muttered in response, my voice barely hiding my frustration. Belly-flopping back onto my own bed, I decided to call it a night, allowing the fatigue of the day to draw me into the promise of rest.


Walking side by side with Yeonjun to class, I spot Wooyoung among his fraternity brothers as we stroll past. He's laughing uproariously, his infectious smile showcasing his deep dimple. Yeonjun nudges me, "You're staring."

I blink and turn to Yeonjun, making a face. "How could I not? He's practically the loudest person here," I remark as we step into the bustling department building.

"That's Wooyoung for you, always the a centerpiece ," Yeonjun murmurs, courteously holding the door open for me. "Thank you," I offer with a grateful smile.

"No problem," Yeonjun responds with a warm grin, and we settle into our usual seats. I glance at Yeonjun, curiosity getting the better of me. "Did you end up blocking him?"

Yeonjun starts to answer, but I cut in with a dismissive click of my tongue. "I completely forgot to ask you for his bag. He reached out to me about it, assuming you had blocked him."

A mischievous gleam lights up Yeonjun's eyes as he smirks knowingly. "And I, but how did he contact you?"

"Yesterday, he actually gave me his number," I reveal, prompting a gasp from Yeonjun, who then breaks into applause. "Yay, part one is almost done!"

"Hopefully, I can seal the deal after today's session," I say with a hopeful smile, relishing the thought of having the upper hand. "I've even been working my flirting skills on TikTok."

"You're so..." I start, trailing off with a playful tone.

"Charming?" I interject, wiggling my eyebrows mischievously. Yeonjun pretends to gag dramatically as students from our class start to filter in, signaling that the class was about to begin.

"Hey, Yeonjun," a tall, dark-haired guy greets Yeonjun with a wink as he passes our table, causing Yeonjun to blush. I glance at Yeonjun, puzzled. "Did I miss something?"

"Not really," Yeonjun replies, trying to suppress his smile but failing. At least he's happy.

"Spill," I urge.

"We just found out we have another class together, and he invited me to a party tomorrow," Yeonjun whispers so the guy passing by wouldn't overhear. "We should go."

"Are you sure you're up for partying?" I ask, and Yeonjun shoots me a look. "When do I ever miss a party?"

"Class, take out your books and turn to page 78," our teacher announces as she walks in, diverting our attention back to the lesson.

When class wrapped up, Yeonjun excused himself to chat with the guy, Soobin, whose name I later learned. "Well, I have my session. I'll catch you later."

"Sure thing, see ya!" Yeonjun waves before heading off, and we go our separate ways. I make my way to the art department, heading straight for the studio where Wooyoung often hangs out.

Opting to knock on the door, I'm welcomed inside by a voice inviting me in. Stepping into the space, I spot Wooyoung deeply engrossed in his painting.

"Glad to see you're not just staring at me," Wooyoung quips, and I can't help but roll my eyes in response before remembering to tell wooyoung about his bag.

"I actually forgot the bag. I could give—"

"Whatever," Wooyoung interrupts dismissively, prompting a disdainful expression from me. What an asshole.

"What was that?" Wooyoung halts his painting and fixes me with a curious gaze. I try to play it off coolly, humming nonchalantly.

Did I accidentally let my thoughts slip out? Taking a seat, I casually brush it off. "Oh, I didn't say anything."

Wooyoung stares at me, his expression unreadable. "What?" I respond innocently, though a sense of unease settles in.

"Does Yeonjun know you're here?" Wooyoung asks out of the blue, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Um..."

"I hope you aren't doing this so I can get back together with him," Wooyoung bluntly states, and I quickly rise to defend my friend. "The way you think you're on his mind is insane."

"Excuse me?" Wooyoung's tone is incredulous.

"You keep proving me right lately. You're an asshole fuckboy," I retort, realizing he's likely trying to provoke me when he flashes a smug smile.

"Do you hate me?" Wooyoung questions, and I scoff in response. "Of course I do."

"Do me a favor, stand still," he instructs abruptly, and I hesitate before complying. As he sketches, I can't shake the feeling that he's messing with me to make me quit being his model. Ignoring his requests, I continue speaking until he finishes and shows me the sketch.

It's a depiction of me looking angry, and I can't help but exclaim, "What the hell?"

Wooyoung smiles. "I wanted to capture raw emotion." I curse silently, realizing once again why I hate artists and wooyoung in general .

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