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a/n: i realize in the previous chapter i had wooyoung asked out san again. it simply because i forgot that i had asked him out on the date before spring break.

also it's me rewriting this chapter multiple of times so i'm sorry if it's boring.

Yeonjun and I exchanged a knowing glance before turning our attention to Soobin, who had seemingly snuck up on us.

"Oh, babe, don't sneak up on me like that," Yeonjun playfully chided, enveloping Soobin in a hug as if to diffuse any tension.

"We were just referencing a kdrama," Yeonjun explained with a casual shrug, seamlessly covering for my discomfort. I nodded in agreement, grateful for his quick thinking but also feeling a pang of guilt for putting him in that position.

We walked to the lounge together, where Taehyun sat alone. The couple settled in next to him, immediately catching his attention.

"Hey, you..." Taehyun's gaze met mine, and he blushed slightly. "Hey, San."

"Hey, Taehyun," I replied, taking a seat. I suddenly remembered that I'd forgotten to text him to hang out. "I'm sorry for not texting you."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you're busy," Taehyun said, understandingly. "I've seen your work for Wooyoung, it's beautiful." He admitted, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I saw it when I stopped by the studio."

"You guys were going to hang out?" Yeonjun asked, catching on. Taehyun nodded, blushing slightly. "Yeah, jealous," I teased, earning a scoff from Yeonjun. "Why would I be when I have Soobin?" Yeonjun countered, kissing Soobin's cheek.

"Whatever," I said, changing the subject and turning to Taehyun. "We can do something tomorrow, I'm free." I made plans now to avoid forgetting.

"Sounds cool, we can go to the arcade. It's super fun there," Taehyun suggested.

"Fun," I said, winking playfully before standing up. "I'd love to third-wheel and chat, but I have a class." It was my writing class. I bid my goodbyes before heading out.

As I went to class, I noticed the line for Wooyoung's line was gone, and so was Wooyoung. I assumed he had a class to attend at this time or was simply done apologizing to everyone.

Out of no where i hears a voice yell"You haven't answered my text messages,"

I turn around to see wooyoung. "You avoiding me?" though said in jest, i still felt twinge of guilt twist in my stomach

"No," I replied, the word coming out more hesitantly than I intended. Inside, I couldn't stop thinking about the line of Wooyoung's so-called victims. The amount of people lowkey imitate me.

Wooyoung's sigh was heavy with an unspoken understanding, a bridge connecting his thoughts to mine. "You think differently about me," he stated more than asked, reading me like the open book I never realized I was. "No, I'm proud of you," I lied, the words feeling foreign as they left my lips.

"I feel a little better about myself," Wooyoung admitted, his hand finding mine. His touch was both grounding and electrifying. "I feel selfish for even thinking that, but hey, it's a start."

"Yeah," was all I could muster, my gaze locked on his pouting lips. He definitely wanted me to say something more, like the truth. But i refuse to, and acted ignorant "What, baby?" I asked.

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