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Ratchet stood in the medbay of the Autobots base, he had no patients at this time, so he had the time to himself well, not entirely to himself as his best and oldest friend and leader was in the room working on his own thing, the Prime was being quiet until someone entered the room, startling the medic, who had been so focused on what he was looking at trying to figure out what happened to the last Predacons, who were offline now, only Snakewing remained after his mate passed away from an unknown illness, like the other predacons. Snakewing was as always up in the rafters above his rider, Optimus, who was the medics sparkmate. 

The male predacon snarls and bares his fangs at the bot who was entering the room but when he jumped down it startled both the Prime and Medic since the Prime Predacon had been unmoving since his mate was offlined, a few cycles ago. His audials pinned back as were his wings, his tail flicking constantly showing his unease and irritation before looking at the sapphire blue smooth circular egg like object in the white and grey mech's servos. 

"Snakewing." The other Prime called the predacon back to him. Snakewing obediently backed up a bit before turning and moving back to the other Prime who watched him, walking over his claws tapping against the cold hard ground under him before he laid down against the wall and stand the large screens were on. 

"Prime, Ratchet" The young and very startled mech, probably only a 15 vorn old, still a youngling. 

"What is it Reflect?" The Prime asks Ratchet turned his helm in the young mech's direction before begining to make his way over Optimus was already standing beside the mech. 

"This was found near the Predacon stable, Ironhide said it was a predacon egg and told me to give it to you, Ratchet... he also told me that he requested your presence Prime" The young mech spoke, keeping a gentle yet firm hold on the ice cold egg, he was carefuly not to harm the egg but also not to drop it, he carefully handed it over to the medic who was just as gentle with it.

"Of course," the prime nodded before looking back at Snakewing. 'Stay here and protect Ratchet and that egg.' He spoke over the bond between the two primes. The predacon gave a low, acknoldging growl in reply, standing up and walking towards the medic who glanced over, feeling the floor shaking with each step the massive predacon took. 

Ratchet watched the massive Predacon he was still he had known the predacon wouldn't harm him not with the predacon's rider and his mate's order that was, and he knew Optimus wouldn't do such a thing, and Ratchet was as sure of the fact as he was sure his own spark still humming in his chassis. Ratchet didn't notice the white and grey mech leaving the room. But he did notice Optimus reach a servo over to gently hold his medic's cheek plating, to which he leaned into slightly. 

"Snakewing is going to stay with you. If anything happens, just call," the prime spoke, making the medic smile and nod, understanding the larger's request.

"I always do," The medic assures the prime, who gave a small nod in responce and dipped his helm down a bit to give the medic a gentle kiss on his forehelm, before pulling away and heading out. Snakewing gave a quiet but deep growl from deep within his chassis. It wasn't one of anger or violent nature but one of question, and curiousity.

Snakewing, was a large greyish green mech who had a at least a 25 foot wing span, and was slightly taller than Optimus who was up to the predacon's neck about half way, so Ratchet himself had to look up to look the predacon in the optics. Ratchet decided to just mostly ignore the Predacon as he turned and began making his way to the medbay to see if the egg had even a small chance of hatching without a carrier to be nearby

(4 Breems later)

Ratchet had done a lot of scans and tests on the egg, revealing the hatchling inside to be alive but frozen it seemed, and to try and remedy that, the medic had put the egg in some heated sparkling blankets, to hopefully allow the youngling inside to warm up enough to hopefully hatch. Snakewing was laying down close nearby grooming himself, the predacon like he had been for a few joors now. Ratchet glanced over at the predacon before deciding to talk to the predacon if the other would talk back that was. 

Ratchet's Hybrid - A transformers Prime fanfic (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now