Chapter 2

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Zaw woke up in a small damp medieval dungeon like room. The stench was unbearable. It was like blood, vomit, waste, and fish all rolled into one. There was moss covering the walls in some places and there were chains. Zaw knew where he was and he didn’t like it. He began to hyperventilate and looked around quickly to find a way out. He was growing anxious and started to scratch his head out of fear. He looked down to see if he was still bleeding and he wasn’t. It made him question the time he was there. He was still sore though. He  could barely stand and he looked everywhere for his friends but there were none in sight. He collapsed back to his knees from the pain and sat back up against the wall. The door opened up and a man walked through. He was the boss of the rainbows. He was lanky and he had a giant scythe on his back. He had two black buttons for eyes with rainbow outlines and a mouth with razor sharp teeth. His skin was dark, very very dark almost like his soul. Or the suit he was wearing. “Hello, Zaw, it’s nice to see you again after avoiding me for all these years,” said the boss with a smile. Zaw gave him a death stare. The boss shuddered a bit but he didn’t back away. He slowly approached Zaw and rubbed his face romantically. Zaw couldn’t do much do to the pain so he spat on his face. “YOU LITTLE-!” Screamed the boss and he punched Zaw in the face then walked out. Zaw just lied in the ground in pain and silence. He decided to just fall asleep because that’s all he could do. He felt hopeless and he just had a feeling he was gonna be killed. 

He woke up a few hours later and a member came into the room and got him up. He walked out of his cell and was taken up a flight of steps. The member opened the door and Zaw was met with a grizzly sight. All of his friends were dead. Omar had his jaw removed and his eyes were blank and he had a gaping hole in his chest. Annie had one eye hanging out of the socket and her mouth was abnormally stretched into a screaming face kind of like the tragedy mask while Ccino was sewn to where her right arm was with his face stretched into a smile like the comedy mask and he also had his eye dangling from the socket but it was opposite from Annie’s. Geo had no torso but his head was stabbed onto his spine. Jojo had been decapitated and she was holding her head but she had been scalped. Laila was pinned on the wall with nails in her hands and she was disemboweled and  her hair untied and over her face. Nick had his face skinned and he had almost no fur on his body anymore. He had one lifeless eye looking straight at Zaw. Zaw dropped to his knees and started screaming and crying. He banged his hands on the ground to the point of them bleeding and breaking the floor. He kicked his feet on the ground like a child and he was just breaking down. “This is what you get for leaving us, Zaw,” said a voice in front of him. Zaw looked up to see the boss. He was smiling and laughing at him. Zaw got up and threw a punch but it was strangely weaker and slower by a lot. The boss just took it and continued to laugh. He punched Zaw in the gut then the face. Zaw stumbled back a bit but regained his balance. Zaw ran towards him but he was slower than usual so the boss yawned and moved out the way. He tripped Zaw and stomped on his head causing Zaw to bleed from his nose. Zaw got up in his knees with the boss holding a gun to his head “I had fun, but it’s time to put you out of your misery, goodbye Zaw,” said the boss as he pulled the trigger.

Zaw woke up in a cold sweat and felt his head. He was fine. He heard screaming coming from the walls. He heard lots of insults and swearing and it surprisingly wasn’t Geo this time. It was Jojo and she was screaming at one of the guards. Then he heard a loud bang and then silence. “Take that you little bitch,” said Jojo and she walked out of her cell with the keys. Zaw started to knock on his door and Jojo looked through the bars and saw him. “Z!” Screamed Jojo. Zaw put his finger over his mouth. “oh yeah, sorry, i’m just so glad to see you.” Zaw pointed down at the lock “oh yeah, let me get that for you.” Jojo unlocked Zaw’s cell. Jojo gave Zaw a hug which made Zaw start to shake uncontrollably. Jojo let go. “sorry, you were just hugging ccino and nick so i thought i could do it too,” said Jojo looking down. Zaw gave her a hug back and tears started to roll down his face. “im so glad you’re alive” he whispered. Jojo was shocked since this was her first time hearing Zaw speak. "W-woah," said Jojo "Nice voice." Zaw smiled at her and they both started running down the corridor to find the exit. At one of the turns, they came face to face with a guard and they stared at each other for a while but when the guard started to raise his gun, Zaw ran right for him and headbutt him which knocked the guard out. "Damn, you could've used your hands bro," said Jojo "But at least you're using your head". Zaw looked over at Jojo who was grinning and proud of the horrendous joke she just made. Zaw rolled his eyes and looked ahead but he was internally trying not to laugh. The guard had a bomb and Zaw took it while Jojo took the gun he had. They ran down the corridor for a few more minutes and found a flight of stairs with a giant metal door at the top. Jojo tried to open the door by pushing it, lifting it, and punching and kicking it. Zaw tapped her shoulder and pointed at the key card pad and she asked if he had the keycard. Zaw stared at her for a moment and shook his head. They both facepalmed because they didn't fell like going back because they were too lazy and worried that the guard is awake or the other guards were looking for them. Zaw took out the bomb. "What are you gonna do with that bomb?" asked Jojo. Zaw grabbed a torch from the wall and lit the fuse. "OH HELL NO!" screamed Jojo. "YOU'RE GONNA BLOW US TO SMITHEREENS BRO!" Zaw grabbed Jojo's hand and ran to a corner to avoid the blast. The door was blown right open but with minimal damage which shows how sturdy it was. Zaw let go of Jojo's hand and her heart was beating fast while her face was red and she was breathing fast. Zaw looked over and cocked his head in confusion. She looked at him and noticed how warm her face was. "OH, IT'S NOTHING, MIND YOUR BUSINESS, LEAVE ME ALONE, UH, GO UP THE STAIRS!" said Jojo quickly while hiding her face. Zaw shrugged and walked up the stairs with Jojo behind him. They looked over to see the others "what the hell, that's unfair, why aren't they in cells?" whispered Jojo. Zaw shrugged. "Whatever, lets take out those guards and save them" Zaw and Jojo rushed the guards and they tried to ready their guns but Jojo and Zaw were out of sight. The guards looked behind them and Jojo and Zaw were able to knock them out. They fist bumped each other with a smile and ran over to their friends. "Holy crap guys, that was amazing!" said Nick. "I'm glad you guys are okay," said Jojo Zaw got the key and unlocked them. "How come you guys weren't put in cells?" Asked Jojo. "Oh we were, till Ccino started to cry and they sentenced all of us to death because they were annoyed," said Geo. "Well that's dumb," said Jojo. "Y-you're dumb" said one of the guards who had regained consciousness. Jojo stomped on his head which smashed it like a watermelon. "Ew," said Omar. "I'm glad you guys didn't die, I don't know what I would do," said Jojo with tears in her eyes and they all joined for a group hug. Zaw looked over and started to smile but he started to remember what happened in his dream and he got on his knees and started throwing up. Ccino ran to him "Zaw, are you alright?" he asked. Zaw was not alright, he was starting to hyperventilate and cry again like he did in the cell "GUYS, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ZAW!" screamed Ccino and he started to cry and tried his best to help him up but Zaw pushed him away which caused Ccino to trip. "ZAW, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" screamed Annie. Zaw started to put his hands over his head and screamed loud enough to cause the ground beneath them to shake. "What is this?" asked Jojo worried. Laila ran to Zaw and knocked him out. "What was that?" asked Nick. Annie ran to Ccino and helped him up. She checked to see if he was cut anywhere. "Hey, are you alright, did he hurt you?" asked Annie. "No, I'm fine" said Ccino. He remembered what Zaw said and thought that this was the right time. "Guys, I need to tell you something important. It's related to what just happened with Zaw," said Ccino. Laila picked Zaw up and held him piggyback style. She carried him over to the others as they listened to what Ccino had to say. 

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