Chapter 3

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Zaw and Nick were staring down Gabby as she was wiping her eyes. “Be careful Nick, she has a shape shifting ability, she can also change parts of her body into weapons,” said Zaw “I think she also has the power to regenerate like the boss but she does it faster due to her smaller size.” “Wait, the boss can regenerate?” Asked Nick. “Well, he’s immortal so yeah but he can be incapacitated for a bit which is what I did” said Zaw. “Where is your sword?” Asked Nick. ZAW realized he didn’t have his sword and remembered it was stabbed into Eli. “It’s under the helicopter” said Zaw. “WHAT’S IT DOING UNDER THE HELICOPTER!?” Asked Nick. “The boss is under the helicopter and after I ripped his arms and legs off, I stabbed my sword into him,” said Zaw. “Why did you do that?” Asked Nick. “He was saying shit about uh…” Zaw whispered into Nick’s ear. “Oh nah,” said Nick “that’s fucked up, Ccino is a CHILD” “I know,” said Zaw. “PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR ENEMY,” screamed Gabby as she rushed toward Nick. She tuned her hand sickle like and swung at Nick but Nick grabbed it and threw her off the building. “So where was I again, oh yeah, let’s tell them about this when we get back,” said Nick. “Agreed, the boss is a fucked up individual, I know from experience,” said Zaw. Gabby jumped up from the road and aimed for Zaw this time. Zaw just ducked, “Oh look a penny!” “Make sure it’s on heads” said Nick. “Yeah, it’s on heads” said Zaw. He put the coin in his pocket. “Oh where did Gabby go?” Asked Nick. Zaw shrugged “Let’s go home.” They heard crying behind them and saw Gabby bawling her eyes out. “STOP TREATING ME LIKE IM WEAK, IM STRONG I SWEAR!” she screamed. “Ok” said Zaw and they continued to walk to the helicopter. Gabby ran at Nick again and turned into Annie, "Ohhh Nicky~" said Gabby. Nick turned around and gave a look of disgust. He clenched his sword tightly. "How DARE you wear her face" said Nick. "Did I make you notice me~?" asked Gabby. Nick ran towards her  about to swing but she back flipped over it and kicked Nick mid flip. Nick had a bit of a nosebleed and wiped it. "Come on, that's not fair," said Nick. "It wasn't fair how you were ignoring me but you still did it," said Gabby. "Because you're trash," Zaw yelled over. She growled "I AM NOT TRASH, I AM STRONG!" She began to cry again. Zaw took his sword out of Eli from under the helicopter while Nick held Gabby off. Gabby turned her hand sharp and sent it towards Nick but Nick grabbed it and swung Gabby around and slammed her on the ground. Gabby growled and shot up and tried to tackle Nick but he front flipped over her, landed on her then jumped off causing Gabby to fall to her face. “STOP TOYING WITH ME” screamed Gabby. Then she screamed which caused a wave to go towards Nick but Nick dodged it. Gabby kept on screaming and sending waves at Nick but Nick was too fast. He ran towards Gabby and uppercutted her then swept her leg and stabbed her in the stomach. Gabby played dead for a while till Nick decided to spit on her. “EWW YOU NASTY, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?” Screamed Gabby. Nick shrugged. Gabby was angry so she stood up and took the sword out of her stomach and screamed in Nick’s direction which hit him and caused him to fly backwards. He almost rolled off the roof but he stopped himself by stabbing his sword into it. Zaw reached under the helicopter to retrieve his sword but Eli grabbed his arm and Zaw screamed. "SHIT, HE HAS ME NICK!" Nick ran over to get Zaw while gabby was crying but the tears were fake and she shot her arm at Nick, piercing through his heart. Zaw saw the event unfold. His jaw dropped and he screamed. Nick was on the ground and bleeding out. Eli began to laugh and Zaw ripped his arm from his grasp losing his arm in the process. He ran towards Nick with tears in his eye because he lost his arm and he was about to lose his friend

"NICK GET UP," he screamed. Gabby laughed too "I told you I wasn't weak." Zaw turned around to her "YOU ARE FUCKING WEAK, YOU ATTACKED HIM WHILE HE WASN'T LOOKING YOU FUCKING PUSSY,"  he screamed. Gabby's face changed from happy to sad and she began to cry. "I AM NOT A PUSSY" she screamed. "SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THAT CRYING BULLSHIT" screamed Zaw. Gabby began to start screaming and it caused a shockwave which knocked Zaw and Nick back and it also knocked the helicopter off of Eli. Nick almost fell off the roof but Zaw caught him. He mustered all the strength he could to pull him back up. Nick's sword started to transform. His sword turned black and outlined in purple and became wider and grew wings. Nick's wound started to close and Zaw stared in shock. Eli stared in shock too, he recognized that sword. It was one of the 4 swords the heroes of truth used and while Zaw had one of them, he hadn't awakened its true power. "Shit, this is bad" though Eli, he began to sweat. "GABBY, WATCH YOURSELF, THAT SWORD WILL SLOW DOWN YOU REGENERATION AND HEAL HIM" screamed Eli. "What?" said Gabby. "KILL HIM BEFORE HE KILLS YOU!" Nick rose to his feet. "Woah, I feel great," said Nick "Better than great actually." Nick smiled and ran towards gabby at almost blinding speed and he stopped just in front of her keeping the same smile. Gabby flinched only to not feel anything because Nick was waiting for her to lower her guard and once she did, Nick punched her square in the face. She flew back pretty far and her nose was bleeding. "OWWW" she screamed. He jumped up in the air to stab her but she rolled out of the way. "Wow, he's fast," said Gabby. "Yeah, no shit," said Eli. "Why aren't you helping me!?" asked Gabby, annoyed. "I don't have legs yet" said Eli. "YOU HAVE RANGED ATTACKS DUMMY" screamed Gabby. Eli sighed, "Fine," he started to lethargically swipe his hand and nothing came out. "Nothing came out," he said. Gabby screamed in Nick's direction but it had very little effect on him and he walked through it with relative ease. He stabbed Gabby and Gabby screamed louder in Nick's face which caused blood to start pouring out of his ears. His eardrums had burst but the sword quickly healed them and Nick sliced up which split Gabby in half. Gabby was on the ground in half and crying. "Just you wait till i regenerate, It will be your demise," said Gabby. "Ah, so you're immortal too, huh" said Nick. NIck walked over to Zaw's arm and picked it up with the sword still in it. "Ah I remember this sword, mini was a good guy," he said in a strangely feminine voice. Nick walked over to Zaw and put his arm in his place and attached it back together. "Woah" said Zaw. "Take care of this sword, it could save you in a dicey situation" said Nick. "It's my time to go now, I don't think I can keep this vessel living anymore," said Nick. "Wait what? Vessel?" asked Zaw. "I am not your friend, he has passed, I just possessed his body because he had the potential to wield my blade, my name is Sabrina, I am one of the heroes of truth and one of the 4 that was able to slow down Eli's healing ability, You will learn more as time goes on, take Mini's sword and get out of here," said Sabrina. "I-I don't get it, please heal nick, he promised he would go back and bring me back with him" said Zaw. "I am afraid I don’t have enough time to heal his heart, I’m sorry,” said Sabrina. Zaw started to cry and he ran and begged for Sabrina to try her hardest but she couldn’t. “I’m sorry but I must go,” said Sabrina, “Oh and Eli, Russo said that you’re gonna fucking die some day, and that’s the truth. Alright bye!” A purple light engulfed Nick as the spirit of Sabrina left him.  She had purple hair a black jacket with narrow stripes, a purple sword that looked exactly like the one Nick has and she had a purple headband with star boppers on them. She smiled down at Zaw and vanished. Nick was just standing there lifeless and then he fell into Zaw’s arms. “im sorry for being an ass towards you, i can see that you aren’t one of them” said Nick somehow. “N-Nick, how are you speaking?” Asked Zaw. “i don’t know, but I don’t have long left,” said Nick. “It was fun fighting along side you, i’m glad i was able to one more time” “Don’t die, we need you” said Zaw. “promise me you will protect the others, i want them to be safe more than anything” said Nick. “NICK PLEASE, DON’T GO” screamed Zaw. Nick wrapped his arms around Zaw and and he heard Nick crying “please, zaw, call me, ralsei.” And with those final words Nick had passed. Zaw had one of his friends die in his arms. “Why…” Zaw was crying rivers at this point. “WHY!?” Zaw dropped on his hands and knees and started to punch the ground. “WHY CANT I PROTECT ANYONE!? WHY AM I SO DAMN USELESS!?” WHY?!” Zaw’s hands started to bleed from all the ground punching. Eli began to laugh. “Oh how I missed that screaming, I love your despair” he said while laughing. Zaw was worn out, he had to fight his trauma, he had his friend die in his arms, he lost an arm, he talked to a ghost, his friend was possessed by said ghost and he has a legendary sword. Eli was fully regenerated and he walked towards Zaw getting ready to beat him up while he was down but then, Mack came crashing out of the roof and he was flying. “What’s up, bitch.” Said Mack. “What did you call me!?” Snapped Eli. 

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