Chapter 3: The Question

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Sanji's POV
I couldn't sleep. After my shift and Ussop took over I couldn't even blink without thinking back to that.

I am currently in the galley right now trying to make breakfast, key word trying. I just can't focus my mind is too preoccupied with that. But 'If we actually kissed I wonder how it would feel? His lips on mine'  I feel my face heat up and I I slap myself  'I am Sanji, cook of the strawhat pirates, I should be cooking breakfast for my crew right now not thinking about such matters, those things can wait and besides that was probably nothing' I kept repeating it yet I still kept lingering on the thought 'what if'. my face still feeling warm

The opened, I turned to be blessed with a wonderful sight, Miya~san and Robin~chan, if only Nami~swan were here to make it a complete set "Miya~san, Robin~chan , good morning, oh how lucky I am to be blessed  with such beauty so early in the morning" I cooed at them "Good morning Cook-san/Sanji" "Breakfast would be prepared soon, please get comfortable"

My lovely ladies momentarily took my mind off my turmoil, momentarily meaning my mind went back to that. I sigh heavily 'Why can't I get my mind off that?' I found my face feeling warm not noticing the  conversation going on my the two ladies

Miya's POV
"Robin, you noticed too right" "You mean the blushing, hard not to notice, fufufu" "Seems like he is still confused about it " I take a sip from my coffee Sanji set down "Guess it is time to get involved, neh Miya-san" I let out a sigh "Guess so, it would be so much easier if he just accepts his own feelings" "True but alas it is cook-san,it is going to be hard" "True"

"SANJI! FOOD!" Luffy burst through the galley doors and was greeted by a kick from Sanji "Don't just burst in here, have some manners and sit down, I was about to serve breakfast" "Sorry Sanji"

"What a way to start a morning"

Sanji's POV
It's my shift to watch Zoro so I am sitting in the infirmary. It has been days since the almost incident and I have more or less gotten over it. For reasons I don't understand I have been feeling an intense worry building up in me due to Zoro still being in a coma. I have been having strange thoughts and spend a lot of time at the infirmary watching the Marimo, I haven't been showering my angels with as much attention as I usually do and been feeling restless leaving Zoro alone. All these things have got me thinking, from the strange thoughts to the urge to be around him maybe I- No I can't be thinking this it's impossible

The rest of the crew also come and privately talk with Zoro hoping it helps him wake up

"Zoro, you don't have to worry, I will take care of you, i want to be a great doctor so I will make sure you will live no matter what. You have always taken care of me, saving me and making sure I am safe. Making sure everyone is safe. You're really important to the crew and as the doctor of this ship I will make sure you will be fine. It is my turn to save you and I promise I won't fail"

"The first time we met you didn't trust me as far as you can throw me and I don't blame you, I am pretty sure you were just looking out for the crew, a trait you have that I like. You care for the crew and want to ensure their safety. Despite your slight distrust of me you still came along to save me at Eneis Lobby and put your life in danger. You accepted me as a member and I am very grateful for that. We are all worried and  hope for you to wakesoon"

"It's really weird seeing you like this. Your usually so strong. You're a protector of the crew ensuring we are safe and what not. You have saved me countless time and I really appreciate it. You probably think I am a coward and liar and your probably right. But don't worry  about the safety of the crew cause while your in this state the Great Captain Ussop will protect them hahaha. But wake up soon we are worried"

"I know you are surprised that I am here, you would probably not want me talking to you. I know we usually do not get along but you are my nakama and I still care about you. You always look out for the crew and you even helped me safe my island from Arlong even after I betrayed you all. Fuck I'm crying. You are strong so seeing you like this is quite odd. The crew and I are waiting for you to wake up. So please. If you wake your debt is clear so hurry up and wake up"

"I haven't known you long but during our short time together I can already tell how amazing you are Zoro-bro. To deal with such a beating yet remain alive is so impressive. We are all pretty worried and the ship has never been this quiet. Wake up soon, okay bro, we are all waiting"

"I don't know you well but just by looking I can tell how much you mean to the crew. I know what really happened and intend to keep it a secret due to Sanji's reason as to why I shouldn't tell. What you did was really noble. I am very grateful for your help in me obtaining my shadow back, you helped even though you barely knew me. I am glad to be part of a crew with a member such as you. When you awake I hope to get to know you better"

"Zoro you really need to awake soon. The ship is too silent and glum it's freaking me out. Everyone is so tense and worried especially a certain blondie. When you wake up trust me when I say you guys are going to be quite the entertainment for me to watch. I know I may not sound like it but I am worried too so hurry and wake up"

"Zoro you're taking too long to wake up but I know you will wake up soon. You have your dream to become the strongest swordsman remember. You need to wake up soon captain's orders"

Sanji's POV
After everybody left, I spent my shift as usual. I want to say something as well but what I'm I going to say 'I have not been myself since your coma, I have been having weird thoughts about you, I nearly kissed you and I am not sure whether I would have liked it or not. There's a possibility I might like- I cut myself off before I thought something I would regret

I got up and left I needed some fresh air. I just realized I haven't smoked in a while my mind has been to preoccupied. I let out a sigh, leaned on the railings and fished out a cigarette and lighter. The nicotine began working and I felt more relaxed

"Sanji" I turn to see Miya "Hello Miya~san shouldn't you be asleep" I asked sweetly. She leaned on the railing and enjoyed the sea breeze then answered "Yeah but I want to ask you a question" I was taken back by that "Oh, ask away I will answer any question you ask me" I did feel nervous but I shook it off. She took a breath hen asked a question that caused my cigarette to fall and me fumbling to find words

"Do you like Zoro?"

Words: 1327
Third chapter done. I was so in the zone writing this it technically wrote itself.
Please comment if you have anything to say and thanks to all who are reading this.


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