chapter 33-day 31

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After last nights surprise goodbye party the boys threw me, both Zayn and I weren’t exactly in the best condition to be travelling, let alone roaming the streets of Paris. But still, Zayn managed to fight through his exhaustion and at times, noticeable hangover, with a permanent smile and glowing mood that was far too infectious to ignore.

The morning was ambient. Though the cold restricted my movements at times, Paris held such beauty in itself that no city could come close to compare and no weather could ruin. We had a lot of tourist adventures throughout the morning and up to the afternoon, our eyes wandering, seeing sites only one must experience to appreciate, which was really special for Zayn. Even though he had been to Paris a number of times already, he never had the time to experience Paris’ beauty the way we had today. But it was the same for me too. It was only a month ago that I was here last, but even so it didn’t feel the same. There was something different, the feeling, the vibe. It wasn’t like the Paris I remember and I knew it was because this time, I had Zayn by my side and a love that took over my very existence. Zayn brought out a new beauty in Paris that I hadn’t seen before.

“You cold babe?” Zayn asked smiling as I felt his arm wrapped around my shoulder nudge me closer, 

“Very.” I chuckled, rubbing my hands together furiously, hating myself for forgetting my gloves,

His steps began to slow down on the brick pavement of Luxembourg Garden and finally came to halt. He took a step to face me and smiled, his eyes gleaming at mine as his hands reached for my own. He brought my hands close to his lips, blowing his warm breath on them as he cupped our hands together. 

“Better?” he asked, stopping for a second, 

I nodded biting my lip too flustered to reply with words.

“Good!” he chirped then blew his breath one more time, setting my hands back down with a kiss,

We continued walking along the scenic views of the garden hand in hand while I quickly turned my head away to the side still very much in a fragile state from Zayn’s small act of affection. Every little detail of Zayn down to the core that I learned from just being with him, by his side, strengthened and added to the feelings I had for him. It was like my feelings were constantly growing every day, which seemed impossible at first but as each day passed I was proved wrong. He somehow had that ability that made my body do all those weird things that happen when you’re in love; my stomach often did flips, my nerves losing all control, brain not being able to function, my body feel instant weakness. Weakness especially. 

“L’on est bien faible quand on est amoureux.”… “One is very weak when one is in love.” 

It was one of the words I’d use repeatedly to describe the love we shared; weak. Not in the sense of the strength of it, no, it was far from that, but it was more so to the feeling of it, the affect it had on the both of us. It was a love like the crashing of waves hitting the shore. The shore could never prepare or know when the waves would come through. It was only nature for it to take the hit each time, the sand weakening and turning moist. And like the shore, I could have never prepared myself to the love that Zayn made me feel. I once refused it, once threw away the chance. But something made me stay, and I had taken the hit, I had fallen in love. I had found the love that my heart, my soul, was waiting for. A love that weakened me beyond my control, without notice. Like the crashing of the waves, the love came at me like a rush, a slap in the face, it overtook my body filling holes I never knew were empty. All of a sudden, this one boy, impacted me like nothing else. And with what I felt so true inside, I knew this love that filled me was to last forever. Not only in this life, but in my heart. 

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