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Max's POV:

I watched Charles grab a random woman. And fucking kiss her.

I bit my inner lip, just staring at the two. I couldn't bare to watch. So I looked down, and this man was mental, because at my feet, the only other place I could possibly look, was that darn necklace reading numbers back at me.

Instead of crying, which I really felt like doing right now, I picked it up, stuffing it in my pocket and walked the opposite way down the alley, I grew up in New York a lot, so I knew my way around.

So I headed for the first bar I thought of.

Fuck Charles man.


Francesca pulled me off the girl, that whole kiss felt wrong, and i felt terrible, why did i think that was a good idea?

"Charles!" she shouted, she pinned my hands behind my back like i was being handcuffed, "What the fuck! you're not 18 and unknown! you're 25 and famous!"

I didn't know what to say, i was speechless.

But all i wanted to know where Max had gone, and why my necklace was gone. I thought he'd leave it there, get fucked off and go find his PR. but he seemed to have just vanished.

"Charles?" She waved a hand in front of my face, i couldn't help but just stare down the alleyway, "Earth to Charles?"

"Where's Max?"

She frowned at me, letting go of my wrists and i had red marks, it was like she was trying to cut off my blood circulation, "You snog a random woman, in new york streets and ask where your rival is?"

"He has a point," Max's PR was speaking now, "Where is Max?"

Francesca's head snapped in his direction, her body still facing my back, but i could still see her wide eyes over my shoulder, "Charles what have you done?"

I spun around, almost like a pivot and looked at her, wanting to say i did nothing, but in reality, i sorta did do something. Not that he didn't deserve it though.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Then why has Max ran off yet again!" she yelled, her arm pointing down the alley i keep staring at.

"Because he's like that! i had no part in it!"

She was staring at me, probably in disbelief that i managed to fuck up her plans yet again.

"You." She pointed at me, a finger against my chest, "You better find him before the meeting."

i scoffed, smiling sarcastically as the pair of PRs folded their arms, ganging up on me right there and then, "I am not! He's long gone, you can say fuck off to your meeting because he ain't coming."

Francesca had a look in her eyes, that death stare i saw too many of since the start of this trip, "You have an hour Charles."

"No! he fucked it! his choice!" i had tears building up now. not because of sadness, more irritation.

I looked for a way out, i needed a getaway car of some sort because no way am i staying here and looking for that dickhead. The next best thing pulled up in a taxi lane.

New York's famous yellow taxi saved my life. I glanced over at it, then back at the pair in front, "Esca, you are one of my best friends but Max did it to himself, so tell the FIA it's all his fault if you want me out of this so bad."

I shrugged, then dashed over to the road. Francesca tried to grab my arm but was millimetres short of my hand, "Charles you leave and you're throwing away your whole career!"

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