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Max's POV:

When I got back to the hotel room I was praying Charles was asleep, I didn't want to deal with it. My side was shooting pains left right and centre. My head was throbbing from the lights. Lets just say I should've never gone out.

I peered around to see if Charles was asleep, but I frowned, he wasn't even in his bed.

I rolled my eyes, this was the last thing I wanted to do, "Charles?"

I got no reply, but I knew where he was. The bathroom light was on and tap flowing, quietly I approached the door, poking my head around the corner, but he still managed to see me and slammed the door in my face, "Fuck off Max."

"What happened?" I asked, eyes wide, it looked like blood in the sink.

"Nothing just go to bed!" he shouted, I flinched a little at his shouting, but I was too invested now.

I leaned against the wall next to the door, but I couldn't stand just sitting out here : i'm far too impatient for that, "Just say what's happened?" I scoffed, "why'd I see blood?"

 "Cut my hand." he murmured, unlocking the door. I immediately opened it, curios.

My eyes straight away locked with his hand, there was a massive gash on it covered with dark red blood, it made me feel a little ill, "How the hell have you managed that?" 

He winced, giving up on using tissues and just running it under the tap, "Glass."

I rolled my eyes, "Youre doing that wrong give me your hand."

Hesitantly he moved his hand closer to me, I gently held it palm up and tried not to stretch his fingers out.  I grabbed a mini medkit I saw in the mirror cupboard the other night and ripped open an antiseptic wipe with my teeth, gently cleaning around the cut. I think this was officially the closest id been to Charles without hitting him.

I looked up at him for a second, he looked really dazed, like he wasn't on earth, "Do not tell me you're gonna faint."

"No.. I just feel lightheaded, think its the alcohol.." he mumbled, grabbing onto the sink side with his spare hand. I glanced around the bathroom, hooking my shoe around their of a stool. I slid it over to him.

"Sit down," I nodded, immediately he fell onto the seat, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How'd you even cut your hand on such a massive bit of glass?" I asked, a frown across my face before I grabbed a bandage, delicately wrapping it under his thumb, then over. I was so focused I didn't even notice Charles eyes burning into the side of my face. Usually id get annoyed, but I just didn't have the energy. 

"I think a smashed glass at the bar." he was still mumbling, "Im sorry I shoved you."

I frowned, "Whatever Charles, keep your hand still I need to knot it."

He held a palm across his forehead, I let go of his hand and knelt down to look at his face, "You sure you're only lightheaded?"

"Yeah... Its really hot in here." he fanned his face with his unwounded palm, I touched his arm with the back of my hand. He was freezing.

"Charles go lie down." I asked him, he wasn't listening, I didn't know whether to call his PR or not. 

Then he did pass out, I wrapped my arm around his back so he wouldn't fall onto the bathroom floor, "Fucks sake Charles." I whispered, his head balancing on my elbow and I placed a hand underneath his knees, lifting him up.

Gently I put him on his bed, id never seen someone faint like that and I had no clue what to do after that, so I rang Francesca.


We left for Vegas the next day awkwardly silent as we rode in the cab. Charles kept looking at his bandaged hand, I wondered if he even remembered the night before, he proper blacked out.

I sipped my redbull, Charles frowned, "Do you have to drink it like that?"

Francesca, who was sat besides the knob, gave him a glare then rolled her eyes, he shrugged, "What? like theres a camera to stop me."

I shook it off, it wasn't like I felt any different since yesterday, I still wanted to snap his neck and leave him to die in a ditch.

Checking through was easy, but having our PRs behind us like body guards annoyed me, they were like hawks, watching your every move.

BANG! A loud bang thundered through the airport, my PR grabbing me by the shoulder and Francesca did the same with Charles, pushing us into a random cleaning cupboard. I winced as he fell on me, the door slamming behind us.

Charles looked up from my chest. His face was inches away, his hair practically touching my forehead and I could feel his breath on me. He froze, just staring at me for a moment. My eyes flicked between both of his, then to his lips, then back to his eyes, then I rolled him off me.

He finally stood up, I winced as he leant on me for balance but then I sat up, what the hell was that?

Charles looked at me and went to open the door, I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from the handle, "Don't open the door you idiot! imagine its a shooter?"

"I doubt it." he rolled his eyes, sliding down the only part of wall that wasn't shelves, sitting down. I stared at him, everything he did was so random, he'd tug at his sleeves all the time, bite his nails a lot and this one thing I noticed, he'd slide the pendant of the necklace he always wore from side to side. He was doing all of that right now, his brows furrowed, "Do you ever stop staring?"

My eyes widened, looking away immediately, "You frown like that all the time you'll get to 30 and your face will be stuck like that."

"You're one to say."

 My heart raced looking at him again, his hair a hot mess, shirt from yesterday but the way that stupid necklace showed through the v of undone buttons made me think I couldn't take my eyes off him.

The door swung open, snapping my head in that direction.

"False alarm, planes ready."

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