the long wait

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Blitzø's pov

It's been 3 days since being admitted to the hospital
My neck is still sore but the swelling has gone down
I am staring out my window cuddling my legs to my chest when loona came in

"Hey blitz. Sorry I couldn't come earlier I had to make sure everything was taken care of for you" loona says placing down her bag which I assume has some personal things for me to have here until I'm discharged from here
I stare at loona and grab a paper and write down
"What's in there?"
She shows its my necklace that my mom gave me before she died
I was told it had fallen off when I was being strangled and had chipped a bit...but when I held it it looked perfect
"I had it fixed up before I gave it back"
i put it on and let a small smile come out
loona sees and smiles to
"sooo what you wanna do?" loona says
i shrug when a nurse walks in
"hello mr blitz" the nurse says as they check my vitals
i sit there as they put a blood pressure checker on my arm and feel it strangle my arm
"okay mr blitz it seems your vitals are stablizing more and more! even your neck is less inflamed chances are in a day or two you'll be able to go home"
i write down finally, the nurse chuckles then leaves the room

time skip

"okay i have to get back now!" loona says exiting the room
i sit not sure what to do... i check the time

9:00 pm

i could sleep right now

eh why not i am tired

moxxies pov

ever since blitz's hosptializeation we have seen a strange man outside the building, we called police but they always ran off before they got there
who ever this guy is he screams bad news...

its been 5 days now since blitz's hospitalization and we havent been going into the real world due to not feeling safe to leave the office due to the guy who keeps showing... the good news is blitz will be able to get out tommorow. loona has been prepping the office and their apartment for his return
i also did some prepping and i got a welcome back gift for him since even though hes a egotistical asshat at times, i still care about him.
well i better get back to work

blitz's pov

i am finally home, i have been given a bottle of antiinflamitants to keep the swelling in my throat down and given strict instruction to rest and not do anything to provoke my throat

I sit on my couch and watch TV, loona has gone to a party which I'm glad of as she can't really socialize with me not having a voice at the moment

As I'm watching a horse show I start worrying about where my dad maybe...he could strike again as I haven't had a chance to be able to prevent it

Not wanting to keep worrying I turn the show off and try to sleep


Hello guys! I just wanted to thank you all for supporting my story a bjt it isn't anything grand but I'm glad that at least a few people like my work

This part is shorter then usual my usual is around 1000 words or more but this chapter doesn't need much going on other then he needs to heal

Do expect another part soon though and once again thank you

blitzø angstWhere stories live. Discover now