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I should never have let myself get my hopes up. Because in the end, hope is the one that screws you over. It gives you all these dreams of how things could be, and then, just like that, they get taken away from you. Yes, hope is the real cause of all my heartbreaks.

"Isabella! Come down here right now!" I rolled my eyes at my eldest brother screaming at me from the living room. Ugh, what did I do this time?

"Coming," I screamed back, jumping out of bed and changing out of my pjs and into some jeans and a t- shirt.

I walked out of my room, past Nate's room, past William's room, past Joshua's room, past Ryan's room then finally past Tyler's room and down the stairs and into the living room.

Yes, I had 5 older brothers. I know, it's crazy but they're all that I've got. Both of my parents died about 5 years ago because of a car accident and since then, my legal guardian was my eldest brother, Nate.

As soon as I stepped foot into the living room, I was greeted by not 5 boys, but by 5 boys and 3 men.

Oh My Goodness. What did I do this time?

"Hello?" I said, my voice shaking while I stood there awkwardly.

"Hello, Ms. Hunter." One of the men in a black suit came up to me, offering to shake my hand.

I looked up at my 5 brothers and they all just shrugged, looking at with the 'what did you do' stare.

"Okay, what's happening here? Isabella, do you know them?" The three men smirked at our confused expressions and I just shook my head.

"Okay, Isabella. We're here to offer you a modeling contract, whatever you would want to call it. We saw you at last months beauty pageant and we think we could make you a famous model"


I watched as all my brothers stood up and paced around the room, obviously shocked at the stranger's explanation to why they were here.

I sighed, today was going to be a long day...

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