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"Uh, we have a problem." Nate states as I slowly descended the stairs and walked into the living room.

"Yes." I ask, putting down my phone.

"None of us can drive you to the studio today..." Nate said and I stopped pouring my cereal, shocked by the new news. How was I supposed to get to work now?

"How-" Before I could finish, the doorbell rang and Nate popped up to answer the door.

From the other room, we could hear faint muffling and laughing but as the mystery person came into view, I seriously almost jumped out the window.

Jason Fox, again.

How come everywhere I was, he was there too?

"Hey man." Jason says while walking up to Ryan and Tyler and does that weird handshake thing that boys do.

"What's up?" Nate asks while they all sit down on the couch.

"I don't know, just wanted to swing by before having to drive up to the studio."

"Are you shooting for Guns and Bullets as well?" Tyler asked him, grabbing a bowl of cereal off of the counter and pouring milk into it.

"Of coarse I am." He scoffed.

Stupid egotistic jerk.

"Do you mind driving Isabella down then?" Nate asks and I merely stared up at him in horror.

Did he really expect me to ride with him?

Jason stood up, swinging his keys from his index finger, pretending to think about it. A sly smirk spread across his face and he answered back, "It would be a delight, wouldn't it be Isabella?"

"Nate..." I whined. I so didn't want to be stuck in a car with him for an hour. "Can't I take a taxi or something?"

"Nope, you'll be late."

"Ugh, I hate you." I said while finishing up my cereal.

"Love you too." I rolled my eyes at him and followed Jason out, grabbing my bag on the way.

We reached his black Lamborghini and he was beautiful. The car, not Jason.

"Are we going or what?" Jason smirked up at me and I shot him a warning glare, which he chuckled at.

We drove in silence for the next ten minutes until he finally broke the silence, "I know that Nate is your brother, but who are the other four guys?"

Oh, he was in for a treat when he found out all of them were my brothers.

"They're all my brothers." I merely shrugged, trying to suppress my grin.


Jason stomped down on the break, causing all the cars behind us to honk at him.

"Go! What are you waiting for?" I screamed at him and he just glared back at me.

"You mean you have five brothers?!"

"Yep," He started the car again and I resumed, "Nate's the oldest and my legal guardian for now, then comes Joshua being 23, he's the one with blonde hair. And then William being 21, then Ryan being 20 and Tyler is 17."

"So they are all biologically related to you then?" He looked stunned but shook it off quickly.


The rest of the ride was silent, not knowing what else to say to each other.


"Alice!" I jumped out of the car, the wind brushing past me as I ran to her.

"I can't believe you left me today!" I scolded her but she just looked past me and to Jason, smirking at me.

"It looks like you got quite a ride though."

I playfully punched her on the shoulders before walking into the studio.

The studio was huge, with dozens of people running around with papers, props and clothing. This place was at least ten times larger than the usual studios I go to. Jason came in about five minutes later laughing with a guy that couldn't be older than 18 or 19.

Lance Byrne.

A low sigh left my lips, how many famous people are going to be in this movie anyways?

Laughing the whole way, Jason and Lance strolled up towards me.

"Hello, my name is Lance." He took out his hands from his pocket and held them out to me. I shook them and smiled up at him, "Isabella." I told him and he smiled back up at me.

It was impossible to miss his perfect looks, from dirty blonde hair to his perfect figure. He was almost as good looking as Jason but his personality so far, is so much better than Jason's.

"Oh, I know. Almost everyone in the whole world knows who you are now, Isabella." I blushed at his statement and Jason snorted at the both of us, leaving us alone and walking towards the food table.


"Okay everyone, that's a wrap for today. Remember that tomorrow we start the onset filming and we won't be back in LA for about another month or so."

I literally dropped the coffee I was drinking.

A month?!

Nate was going to freak!

Lance saw my reaction and came running towards me, asking what was wrong.

What a sweetheart.

"Nothing, I just didn't know that we had to leave LA." I reassured him and he sat down next to me.

"Oh, me and my brothers are hanging out after this, wanna come?" I twisted my fingers together and bit my lip as I waited for his answer.

Surprisingly, a sly smile spread across his face and he nodded. Jason strolled up towards us moments later. "What are you guys doing after this?"

"I'm hanging out with Isabella and her siblings." Lance answers and I nod back.

"Oh, cool. I'll come as well." I glared up at Jason and he just smirked at me, motioning me to follow him to his car so that he could drive me home.

"I never invited you though." We reached his black Lamborghini as Lance reached his own red Porsche.

"I took the liberty to invite myself because I knew that you would just love to have me there."

"You are such a jerk." I pouted back into my seat and he started his car, Lance doing the same.

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