Chapter 10

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As I sat in my tent, bundled in my sleeping bag I reached over into my bag and pulled out my journal. It had been months since I found myself even interested in writing something more than today was shit, yesterday was shit and im guessing tomorrow will be too. It had been a rough couple of months trying to help my parents get their shit together but as always, I made it happen.

While driving up to this convention center, I glared out of the window. Nothing more than thoughts racing through my once quiet mind. The sound of the diesel motor and tires humming along the highway with whatever country song was playing in the background. I was, no, am still angry. I don't understand why I hold myself here. Still bitter with the boy while the man is so changed. So unique in his own light. So able to make my heart swell. So stupid I want to knock his fucking face in. I have not had time to think about anything more than the summer he left. The summer we should have been gone with each other, traveling, seeing outside of Gunner. All I know is when I stop to think of what could have been the start to our life....

A noise interrupted my thought as I shifted and closed my journal with my good pen inside.

"Hello?" I shifted towards the entrance of the tent "Hello?" I said a second time before one of the helpers had spoken.

"Ma'am I am sorry to bother you but I can't find Tucker and I was hoping to get my things from his truck so I can settle in." His twang was cute, such a young kid, couldn't have been more than 19.

"I have the keys, give me a second and I will come out unlock the trailer for you."

"Thank you, much ma'am." He had a short reply before you could hear him walking around the outside of the tent headed to the truck where I was sure he would be waiting patiently.

After taking the kids stuff from the trailer and making sure he had all he needed for the next few nights I leaned up against the closed and somehow cold trailer door. I started staring up at the wide-open sky. Not a cloud in sight and what could only be described as millions of stars. Cascades of blues filled the space between the stars making it seem even more grand than it had just moments ago. I began picking out the constellations like it was an Australian safari hunt. And if you look to your left, you'll see the Big Dippa. I laughed to myself knowing I was never going to be an alligator hunter or better yet, see Australia.

The smell of vender truck foods filled the air. I was starting to have hunger pings in my stomach. Realizing I have not eaten yet today. Ah yes, yet another day you have only survived on coffee. Seriously, you should have your caffeine addiction evaluated. I pushed myself off the trailer and started my descent to the food trucks. Following what I knew to be unhealthy greasy deliciousness I found the nearest burger and fry stand and placed my order. I waited for several moments until the woman at the window waved me down with a smile. I smiled back, paid, and sat down at the semi-crowed eating area. As hungry as I was then, the art of eating wasn't coming to me as a natural ability. I struggled to unwrap my burger. I couldn't help but reflect on the fact that the kid couldn't find Tucker. Anxiety was now winning the battle of eating. With all these places to walk around, I am sure he isn't far. I pushed him out of mind, layered my burger with some fries and took a bite.

Finally, back to my tent and my journal. Now, where did I leave off. I fumbled around twisting the pen between my fingers before setting myself enough to even put pen to paper. I knew now was the time to really get these thoughts out or I would be sitting back at the farm unable too. I just couldn't pull myself together enough to do it. I have three days here, its just night 1. You'll get it done before you leave. You know you will. Stop over thinking. Its just your thoughts. You think ALLLLL the time.

And just like that, I was sitting in the stand of the convention center listing to the auctioneer rattle off sales of steer, heifers, calves, from farm after farm. I sat with my number plaque 917,917,917,917. It was different this year as they didn't go in order of number but in order of how you registered.

"Cattle rounds for farm registration 917 to begin in 20 minutes." The overhead announcer belted out over the loudspeaker. "Please take this time to make your way to the concession stands" this followed a few wonky local ads and then nothing but random voices that where interchangeable with anyone within ear shot.

"Hey there stranger" Tuckers voice came in from the side, "Didn't think I would find you until they said sellers in this section, buyers everywhere else." He smiled offering me part of his funnel cake.

"Yeah, I got here around 7. I wanted to have a good seat to watch my sales".

"Not a bad idea there if I don't say so myself." He was almost excitable about seeing an auction, not like he hasn't been to hundreds of them in the last few years.

"They should be starting back any moment. Its odd they broke the cattle sales into three days." I didn't hear a reply, just him chewing and shifting back and forth. Like taking a kid on a road trip. Sigh.

The internal monologue was on full tilt after that. That conversation was too easy. He offered you food. AND you TOOK IT! It was good though. I don't understand why he was even looking for you. It's strange. Stalker. After several rounds with myself the auctioneer started rambling off of the 600 we brought to the auction they would only be selling 200 each day. This way if someone missed a day or wanted more they would have to come each day. Money scheme if I haven't ever seen one before.

Day one completed and we sold 175, day two we sold all 200 leaving the remaining 225 that sold on the third day. Although at auction we did sell the 200 allowed a few people had come up to us privately to purchase the remainder. I was smitten with myself. I knew I had done them proud. Now to plan for next year and continue to process. Damn it Aimee, you still got it. You go girl. Pat yourself on the back for this one! 

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