1- introduction

60 1 0

2056 October 27th

"Time to go home juri" a young teen at the age of 15 nods her head and gets in the car "can we get some dan dan noodles on the way?" Juri asked "of course ju-"

Juri's pov

"I'm sorry, but he's not gonna make it"

I never cried more in my entire life, everything after that day felt dull, not much is left when your family dies, felt like ive been living a pointless life with the one thing on my mind being revenge, that day I lost my family and my left eye, and the culprit was never found, soon after I got discharged from the hospital shadaloo took me in, here i am now 10 years later still chasing any lead i can find, every step feels pointless-hopeless even but if there's even a small chance of them being alive I'll find em and I'll be the one to bury them 12 feet under for good measure.

"Give me some dan dan noodles, here's the pay and make sure it's spicy if it ain't I'll make sure you're on menu got it?" The waitress took my order without skipping a beat, thats the good thing about being known as one of shadaloo's combat agents.

honestly the missions are boring I'm always fighting weaklings, last time I had a good fight was against that one guy what's his name? Ryu was it? Anyways criminal activity has went down because of shadaloo so naturally there ain't many more challenging fighters.

"Here's your dan dan noodles, please enjoy your meal" she can keep her nerve ill give her that, HA I still remember the last one pissin his pants, "yeah, yeah you can go."

After I finished eating I got up, left the money on the table and headed for the door as per usual til Somone bumped into me coming in from the entrance.

"Watch where ya goin dimwit" before I could fully walk out the double door myself, the woman grabbed my arm.

"huhhh?, you wanna get your face broken or something?" No reaction? Must be a new face, guess I'll let It go

"Fight me." That got my attention, a fight? I don't mind letting off a little bit of steam, "oh all you had to do was ask, I'd be happy to break you, I can't wait to see what sort of sounds you'll make!"

So, she wanted to fight here of all places?

Pretty vacant but one of the most dangerous area's in town! Gotta admit she has balls, "get ready cause I'm bout to have fun playing with you" the moment juri said that she rushed at the mysterious woman, using a spin kick but to juri's surprise she managed to block it, good this might actually be fun!

"Let's see if you can block this" juri attempts a tensenrin,  but the woman avoided it and counterattacked juri almost landing a hit but juri blocked it.

"HAH, and I was complaining about weaklings earlier, must be my lucky day!".

They trade quite a few blows but this made juri realize something, is she even trying? She only goes for counterattacks and avoids or block my attacks....is she gauging my strength right now??? Now I'm getting kinda annoyed.

"so you think you're too good to attack me huh? You mute" after sayin that juri activates her feng shui engine, and collect's ki to empower her attacks then juri goes for a ki empowered roundhouse right to her face at astonishing speed, and it connected knocking her back "Did ya like that? I bet it felt good."

That ki empowered kick barely fazed the woman but noticeably left a mark on her, she then rushed at juri with immense speed, fastest speed juri has seen a fighter have yet, juri barely managed to duck the punch coming her way, and then gets  kicked right in her left rib, I didn't even see that one coming.

Juri slid to the side managing to not be knocked off my feat, but before juri can decide her next move the mysterious woman is already on top of her going for another kick, juri blocks this one, but then the woman feints another kick and palm strikes juri in her chest.

Just who is this?

She tries to go for another kick except this one's a little obvious, juri ducks it and then kicks her in the chin knocking her off her game, good my turn

Juri sends a few ki waves with her kicks in her direction she gets hit by a few of them but dodges the rest, she's durable.

"Ankensatsu" juri brings her leg down on top of her after she dodges the ki waves, however she grabs my leg

"Oh you like getting handsy? Gotta admit,I'm gettin all hot and bothered here!"

Juri surprises her with her other leg, it connects nearly knocking her over, but she keeps her grip on juris leg firm, using an unnatural amount of strength she slings juri across the concrete, juri stops herself from face planting or her  spine hitting the pavement, however her feng shui engine goes on its cool down timer, as soon as she recovers the woman is rushing her much more aggressively throwing punch after punch and kick after kick.

She continues with her relentless assault landing strike after strike and juri barely managed to block any of them, her body is starting to give out, juri doesn't even have a chance to counterattack them, after juri blocks a axe kick that came down on her crouched form, her arms give out momentarily afterward and then the woman kicks juri in the chin sending her flying backwards into a wall

Did I bite off more then I can chew? I feel like shit, a few things are definitely broken.

"is that all? This fights over" this bitch...

I stand up, barely able to, I'm not backin down just cause I got the shit beaten outta me, if I give up that easy then my revenge is a lost cause.

"I commend your tenacity, but this fight is over, this will hurt I apologize"

Right after she says that juri sees her blurry form dash at her with even more speed then before but her body is unable to keep up to react to it, and she punches juri in the gut much harder than any of the strikes she gave her before, juri looks at her slowly losing consciousness

"name..at least give me........your name.." black hair with red highlights, brown skin and medium sized hair tied into a ponytail.

"Ursha, my name is Ursha"

That's the last thing I hear before I lose consciousness .

From the Shadows (juri x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now