4 - Doll

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"So you want to play with me? Fine, I'll just make you talk after " juri begins walking towards the women.

"Come, then" immediately after the words filled the air, juri launches a kick aiming for her skull, the women skillfully dodged it.

"Obvious are we?"

Juri swiftly brings her leg back down causing the women to side step, that doesn't stop juri from attacking her as she sweeps the woman off her feet using the same leg she cracked the pavement with.

"I was just teasin ya, I'll give you a real taste SOON ENOUGH"

juri brings her leg in an attempt to stomp the women however she rolls over and grabs juri's leg.

"Nice try"

the woman then twists her body around crouching on one knee by the end of her twist and turns, in doing so twisting juri off her feet however she catches her self using her hands.

"Ya know being this flexible gives you the opportunity to have some real fun"

juri kicks the woman in the chest using her other leg causing the woman to lose her grip, juri didn't stop there however and assaulted the woman with various kicks while upside down on her hands.

Juri kicks the woman on her ankle then getting on her feet and elbowing her in the gut causing the woman to bend down on one knee, juri finally ends her onslaught with an axe kick on the woman's head knocking her to the floor.

Juri stepped over the woman, getting behind her, and then planting her foot right in the middle of her spine, grabbing her by her hair and forcing her back to bend in an arc to look her in the eye.

"wanna play nice now? Or does this need to get nasty?"

Juri holding her hair staring the woman right in the eye, prompts the woman to speak.

"funny coming from a dead woman."

juri sighs getting ready to crush the woman's spine with her foot, until she's smacked in the back by some unknown force, knocking her off of the woman.

A purple aura begins to wrap around the woman's body, and then the aura starts to shrink and devour the woman as if eating her out of existence, juri in response to this stands back up on her two feet.

"What the fuck?" I've never seen something like this, did she just......die?"

Juri cautiously walks over to the spot the woman was at before being swallowed up by the aura.

Before juri could reach the spot however, she's put into a chokehold, and two legs wrap around her own locking her in place.

"...this is the end, like I said earlier you shouldn't have come here."

Juri tries to take advantage of her flexibility to get out of the chokehold, but as it turns out the woman is flexible enough to move with her, and because of the movement both juri and the woman end up on the ground, with juri running out of air.

damn only one option left, juri's eye begins to light up.

"Cammy wait!!!"  Juri lands her eyes on a young boy with purple hair, the woman named cammy, surprisingly listens and gives juri enough room to breathe, but not enough to get free, this results in juri coughing violently.

"I thought I was....actually gonna have to use the feng shui engine there...." This bitch has a crazy grip.

"Cammy, I don't think she's with Claire...." Wait, she thought I was with her?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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