2- Process

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Juri pov

"Sorry for not pulling my punches - I paid for the medical fees" - is what was on the note the doctor gave me, I can't tell if she's being sincere or if she mocking me, fuck.

Who is this Ursha anyways? No way Somone that strong would have stayed under shadaloo's radar, either she came out of a cave on the other side of the planet - or she's been hiding, regardless she kicked my ass I hate to admit it but i'd be in denial if I said she didn't..

If she stayed out of shadaloo's system, then I wonder if she's connected to who I'm looking for? The only lead I've been able to get a hold of these past 10 years is the fact that the culprit is really good at hiding, fucking bastard.

"Hey nurse, I'm getting discharged early, got it?" Wonder where I should sta- "hold on, part of your ribs is fractured, and we still haven't-" i interrupted whatever she had to say "it'll heal, don't pester me, unless you want to swap roles and become the patient? I can be a pretty....assertive nurse"

That shut her up, along with the feng shui engine, shadaloo also took up the opportunity to implement some tech in the same eye that'll speed up cell restoration, nothin crazy but it'll let you walk around with a broken leg and it be fixed in about a week or two, so a fractured rib is nothin.

So after I left the hospital, I headed to one of shadaloo's bases located at a construction site pretty tall building, I'm gonna need some of the stuff there if I want to find this Ursha person, only information i have on her is that she's strong, and kicked my ass after startin a fight with me at a restaurant.

"Sorry but a person named 'ursha' with black hair and red highlights and brown skin isn't registered in metro city" to be honest Im not surprised I expected this i just needed to have a reason to gain clearance to watch her and to hold off on any other assignments to look for this person, "do you have surveillance at Chinatown?".

The footage showed me and the Ursha leaving the restaurant and heading to a nearby alley where mad gear is usually at, eventually after we got to the point of her taking me to the hospital and leaving, she headed downtown to where? not sure but there's surveillance in nearly every exit of the downtown area, guess I'll look there, good chance she's still there.

Ursha pov

"Here's your coffee, ma'am" the waitress here is pretty diligent "thanks, here's a tip" I hand her 530 zenny, now as fo- "sup" what is she doing here???

"I already paid your hospital fees." Juri then sits down in the seat across from ursha in a fairly laid back posture, smiling.

"took me a bit of searching to find ya" so she's digging into my history?

"I don't appreci-"

"SO, Ursha was it? Yeah, yeah that's the name so, let's have a private conversation"
juri then looks at the waitress that overheard the conversation this far and shoo's her off with a gesture.

Wait when did the store get this empty?? "We're alone for now, being a shadaloo agent give's you quite a bit of influence on this city." So that's how.

"What is it that you want?" In response juri leans back into her seat further and smiles. "Just a lil talk, do you know anyone who was involved in a shooting ten years ago?" At this question ursha's flared though not visibly.

From the Shadows (juri x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now