A painting...? Of me..? {Mario x Wally darling}

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(No ones pov?)

It was a sunny day in the mushroom kingdom, its almost always sunny so today was literally no different than any other day. This was a problem for a certain plumber with a red hat, red sweater and overalls. He was bored and had absolutely nothing to do, until he got and idea. 'Ill just go wander around the kingdom and wait until i find something!' (Mmm great idea mario...great idea you got there...🙄) 

(Wallys pov)

I was sitting infront of my blank canvas, which was basically as blank as my mind right now....i really have no idea what to paint! I would paint another apple again but i already have 20 paintings of apples and i need to change it up a bit...maybe ill try drawing a person? Maybe one of my neighbours!

(Mario's pov)

I was walking through this forested area when i came across a warp tube I've never seen before...it was striped and multicoloured..? Ive never seen something like it before. I decided i have nothing better to do so i might as well see where it leads.

(After he goes through the pipe)

I ended up in some sort of neighbourhood...? The Colours here looked similar to the ones on the tube though so i guess it makes sense. As i walk down the road i see a house, in the windows theres eyes. Wait....EYES??? i jump back a little startled but I'm very curious who would live in a house like...that. I walk up to the door and knock once, i hear footsteps getting louder as someone comes to the door. I watch as they open the door, as i wonder what they look like. I look and see a little puppet guy, with fancy blue hair and some sort of cardigan with striped pants. He was kinda cute actually...damn it i feel heat rising to my face, i cant get all flustered over a guy i just met!! "Oh, hello there! You don't look like your from around here, are you a new neighbour?" The little puppet man asked me "i guess..? I came a-here through a warp-a pipe but i dont really know-a where i am....my names Mario by-a the way" i said with a little smile "nice to meet you Mario! My names Wally, Wally darling" omg even his name is cute!

(Wallys pov)

Mario...thats a cool name! I study his features a little more, hes very....attractive. Wait! Maybe i should paint him! "Hey neighbour, would you mind if i make a painting of you..?" I asked shyly doing the 👉👈 hand gesture "a painting...? Of-a me...?" Mario said with a smile and...a slight blush? No im probably just seeing things...hehe. "Yeah!" I said smiling "well okay-a then" he said smiling softly "Well then come inside neighbour! I already have all my paint and things set up!" I said cheerfully, blushing just a little.

(Time skip to after the painting)
(Still Wally's pov)

After i finished the painting me and Mario sat down and talked for a while, eventually it started to get dark outside so Mario had to return back through the pipe.....but when we were talking i felt such a...a connection. I...i like him...i like like him! I need to tell him before he leaves...i may never see him again so.
"Hey Wally i think I'm gonna head-a out now..." Mario said with a small smile. "Oh okay!" I said standing up, Mario did as well. We both walked to the door and Mario hugged me "thank-a you Wally..." he said softly "anytime neighbour...." I said back. Mario walked out the door but before he was too far out i grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a kiss, i gently kissed him and he gently kissed back. "I...i love you Mario...." I said blushing. "I..i love-a you too Wally..." he said blushing a lot.


...what am i doing.
N e ways i hope this story was okay, it was a little rushed though so its a bit shorter.

Have a good day/night/evening!


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