Test drive {Mickey mouse x lightning mc queen}

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(No ones pov?)

Mickeys car had broken down yesterday and he needed to buy a new one, he tried many dealers and many different cars but none of them seemed right for him....he just couldn't find the perfect car for him! He even messaged his friend andrew tate and asked to test out a buggatti but it still didnt fit him! It also didnt drive very well but andrew might've screwed with it before mickey drove it to get revenge for that one time mickey slept with his sister but thats not the point.

(Lightning Mcqueens pov)

It wasnt the most exciting life being a car, ive been stuck on sale at this stupid car dealership for longer than i can remember and its SOoOoOoOoO boring! Half the time i dont even get driven! Like whats the point of having a car if your not gonna drive it tf?? I cant stand this stupid dealership anymore i NEED to get out. And i think i have an idea......

(Timeskip to later)
(Still lightning mcQueens pov)

Tonight was the night id finally get out of this stupid place, i had the perfect plan. First i would wait until they shut down for the night (its one of those dealerships that the cars are all outside) and when the guards take they're breaks ill drive right outta here and finally be free!! As i had figured out my plan a short ass mouse man walked up to me, he was actually kinda cute....wait wtf am i saying he's a mouse and I'm a car...it...it would never work out...but maybe...!...no....sigh. Now I'm kinda sad but whatever I'm still excited to get out of here!

(Mickeys pov)

I was taking a walk bc i need to be more active and I stumbled upon another car dealership, so I decided i might as well check it out cause its not like i have anything planned today. When i walked into the car dealership/parking lot or whatever you wanna call it, One car caught my attention. It was red and had these stickers/signs on it, it looked like a race car and it like totally matches my aesthetic 😍 i finally found the perfect car for me! Now i just have to check the price....1,000,069$??? I don't have that kinda money! Ive got like 2000$! Fickle fracks what am i gonna do...i need to have this car. I only have one option....ill steal it. I already have it all planned out, ill come later when they're just about to close and ill hide in that conveniently placed pile of tires and when the security guards take they're breaks, then ill get in the car and drive away! Its the perfect plan, probably the best plan I've ever made fr.

(Time skip to nighttime)
(No ones/third person pov?)

It was about 2:00am and both lightning McQueen and mickey were getting ready for the guards to leave. Little did they know they would both meet again, very soon. Mickey was on his way over to lightning McQueen and McQueen was getting ready to escape the car dealership once and for all. As the guards left for their breaks, mickey made his run for it and to his surprise, the car was on? No, this must've been a dream right? Suddenly mickey started to feel as if he was waking up....Damn it this was a dream.

(Mickeys pov)

I woke up to lightning mc queen shaking me awake he said "honey are u okay?" And caressed my cheek with his wheel, oh thats right were he lives with me simce were in a two year long relationship! "Yeah, just dozed off for a bit and had a dream" i replied. "Okay honey as long as your okay" lightning said giving mickey a kiss on the cheek.


I basically went "fuck it" and made one of those 'and it was all just a dream' stories lmao

Hope you guys are having a good day/night/evening!

-vivi :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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