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I used to have a pretty decent penis. I remember meticulously measuring it as a teenager: in its best erections it would extend to a full 20 centimeters, much above the average 13 something. Did you know that someone took care of creating a database of all the human penises' sizes? You can easily find it on the Internet and contribute to it by entering the size of your penis, if you have one, to be measured according to very specific indications, of course.

I would have never made it as a porn star (not that I was ever tempted by such a career), but my penis was always very appreciated by my sexual partners, not only for its size, but also for its look, its proportions and, last but not least, its cleanliness: I have always been obsessed with hygiene. I used to shower at least twice a day: once in the morning, first thing after waking up, and once after my daily training. I have always been a fitness fanatic too: indoor running or cycling and full body workout used to take at least one hour of my daily routine.

Well, all of the above lies in my past, not a remote past though: a couple of years ago my body mass was 65 kilograms or less, and I was as fit as I could be; today my body mass exceeds 130 kilograms. I look in the mirror and I do not recognize myself. I stand naked in front of the mirror and I see a being that I would hardly call human. Where my well-proportioned penis used to be, layers and waves and wrinkles of fatty skin amass on each other, some dropping from what used to be my six pack and some pushing outwards from my thighs. I cannot see my penis. I struggle to reach it and pull it out of the excess of flesh every time I have to pee. Masturbation is not an option. Not to mention sex.

The skin that covers my forehead and my nose is scattered with blackheads the size of a lentil. I let my beard grow wild in order to hide the dozens of pimples – I should rather say blisters – that cover the rest of my face. My whole body is covered with warts and fibromas and acrochorda. I cannot even properly wipe my ass after I take a crap because I just cannot reach it, which over time caused the formation of fissures and hemorrhoids that hitch and burn like hell.

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