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Are we falling in love again? Have we ever really stopped loving each other? Of course, in the Neumann-net, relationships occur on a different plane. We are relieved from the burden of our physicality: her anorexia, my obesity. We entertain ourselves in long discussions about the meaning of life, in particular about the meaning of this new form of shared non-physical life. However, on the other hand, I miss her physical contact, and the most overbold part of me likes to think that she misses my physical contact too. We are constrained by our bodies. We cannot meet – and we would not want to meet – in the real world. I feel we are kind of prisoners. The thing is: I feel fine, I am serene, I forgot what anxiety was, I do not ride the rollercoaster of my bipolar disorder anymore: one day in a pit, and the next on the top of the world at the mercy of a hypomanic phase. However, I wonder: is this kind of life, deprived of physicality, worth living?

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