Ruthless {Quicksilver/Avengers} by @eh1110

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Title: Ruthless {Quicksilver/Avengers}

Author: eh1110

Summary: I'd been lying in my own blood for hours. Of course, I couldn't be sure it was mine, I was surrounded by the corpses of at least a hundred people who weren't as Lucky as me. I felt anger well up in my chest as i felt my shoulder throb in pain. I didn't remember much about last night, but I do remember his face. The one who killed everything I love, who had smiled at me so many times now was about to kill me.

Genre: Fiction, Fanfiction, Action, Romance, Suspense

Our Thoughts: Warning you guys, your Maximoff feels are going to be HIGH with this fic. Okay, so this fic takes on a different view of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Good thing Wanda's an Avenger! Right? Not in this fic! *LE GASPS*Wanda is Evil! Mwwhaaah! Well, the Maximoff's are hellbent on revenge, but in this fic, Wanda takes it to a new level. Two words. WORLD DOMINATION.That's all we're gonna say. So, OC is pretty cool too. SHE IS THE KEY TO THE STORY! Not to mention her powers? Pretty dope. Also, did we mention this story would break your feels? We did? Good. It's a pretty good AU.

Best comments ever: UGH my shipping feels are starting to hurt. wisegirl1234

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