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"Hello ladies and gentlemen, we are back today for another one. Joining us today, we have, none other than the beautiful, Cece Sancho!" exclaimed Yung filly, enunciating the 'O' at the end of Sancho.

"Hi everyone, just wanted to say thank you Chunkz and Filly for having me here. And Jadon says hi!" I said with a smile. In all honesty, this was a surreal moment for me. I was on this podcast, for myself, rather than being Jadon Sancho's sister.

"Jadon knows who we are?" asked Chunkz.

"Of course," I replied. "We watch Beta Squad videos every Saturday together, I make sure he cancels all his plans for Saturdays. Even the podcast, he has to watch anything related to you guys so we can talk about it."

Chunkz and Filly both began to dab each other up and then burst in to laughter and Filly exclaimed "Cold."

Their laughter rippled across the room, it was so free and pure despite their adult years. There was something about their laugh that made me feel like I couldn't help but join in.

After the laughter died down, the producer signalled to Filly to begin asking me the questions that were on his cue cards.

"Okay, so, here on these cue cards I have some quick fire questions that i'm going to ask you. you ready?" I nodded.

"Favourite colour?"

"I have three but probably periwinkle."

"Biggest pet peeve?"

"Loud chewers, I hate them."

"Most embarrassing moment?"

"Walked into a pole and Jadon got it on camera." I said with a smile, although the memory was pretty embarrassing.

"Dream job as a kid?"

"Cashier, I thought the beeping noise was so cool."

Chunkz and a couple of people in production began chuckling in the background but Filly carried on.

"Most famous person in your contacts?"

"Central Cee."

Filly paused momentarily, "You know Central Cee?"

"Yeah yeah, I was in his music video as well, commitment issues."

"Oh yeah, you was. I remember everyone thought you were dating." recalled Chunkz

"Nah, we weren't. We're just good friends, and the girl he hired for the video never showed up. He rang me up and there i was."

"So to get us started, I just wanted to touch on something very briefly because obviously you spoke about it before but what was it like growing up with Jadon? How did you feel that your brother was getting?"

"I was genuinely happy for my brother, he was my brother and i loved that he was finally getting to live his dream and become a footballer. And i was also partially relieved for myself, because growing up it was always Jadon's football match, Jadon's shoes, Jadon this and Jadon that. Of course, I love my brother but as a kid i didn't want the attention to be on him 24/7 because I was also a kid. I also needed attention."

𝑪𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now