Chapter 1

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Elaysian is a person.

Sophie tried to feel alarmed and scared, but she couldn't make herself feel anything. Her body felt so numb it was like someone wrapped a thick blanket over her feelings. She turned around to her friends, and she could see the dullness in their eyes, and how they shook from fear. Gisela stood blankly, her eyes glazed over.

Keefe stood in a corner, muttering words under his breath. Fitz was looking straight at Sophie, his expression focused. Biana was pale as she tried to vanish. Marella tried to summon flames but failed. Maruca's barrier vanished the minute she summoned them.

They couldn't use their powers at all.

''Who are you?'' Sophie whispered, staring at her trembling hands.

''I already told you, I am Elaysian,'' the same melodically dark voice said, ''I have the power that you want. I can do anything.'' The voice laughed-in a tone that was cold and dark. The gray cloak shook as a bony hand stretched out and waved its hand at Keefe.

At first nothing happened.

Then Keefe turned around and sank to the floor, letting out a high-pitched scream. He shook in agony as he turned around to face Sophie, his expression filled with pure fear.

Lady Gisela seemed to snap out of her trance when she saw what happened and shrieked. She took one last longing glance at Keefe's shuddering body before leaping away in a blinding flash.

''Run.'' Keefe whispered, his voice barely audible.

Before she could react, Marella grabbed her hand and leaped away, leaving only Keefe behind. She watched as Elaysian looked at her, her expression full of triumph. Elaysian let out another laugh as she dragged Keefe with her and vanished.

Sophie couldn't think or see as she landed near an unfamiliar field, as her entire body trembled out of fury. She couldn't hear as her friends yelled for help.

She pictured Keefe's screams of agony.

Sandor's still body.

Elaysian's laughter as she tortured Keefe.

So much pain. So, so, so much pain.

It was all too much for Sophie, and she let the rage and devastation fester inside of her, letting out a primal scream as she collapsed to the floor.

Then, it was all dark.

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