Chapter 3

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At first, nobody spoke. Everyone was either shocked, confused, or too furious to form words. The tension in the air was so thick it was practically visible.

''Then how does Elaysian have... that kind of power?'' Sophie asked quietly, remembering her cold laugh as she tortured Keefe mercilessly. ''And what does she mean by 'I am the power source'?''

Loud sighs echoed through out the room. ''Your guess is as good as ours.'' Councillor Bronte replied, ''But we think it has something to do with Miracle berries.''

''What are Miracle berries?''

Bronte sigh-groaned, before sitting down on the other side of Sophie's bed. ''It's a long story, so I suggest you all sit down.''

He cleared his throat, ''Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, when I was still young and humans were still part of the treaty, there were these special fruit called Magic berries that could temporaily enhance abilities. 

When an elf ate them, their abilities grew strong. Almost too strong. When a goblin, troll, or orgre ate them, their strength increased by unfathomable amounts. And when humans ate them...'' Bronte shuddered, like it pained him just thinking about it ''they would get unknown abilites, and wouldn't feel even the littlest bit guilty for causing mayhem. Soon after it was discovered, the Ancient Council banned it from being grown, and everyone forgot about it quickly.

We assume what happened then is that when Elaysian and her humans were starting to plan the human-elvin war, they discovered old records of the berries and decided to grow them and make them more powerful using harsh human chemicals,'' Bronte paused, emphasizing the words 'harsh' bitterly, ''Elaysian must've tested them on herself, and the Ancient Council must have found out about her plan soon after and sank Atlantis, letting the humans believe they were dead.''

Everyone was too stunned to form words.

''And if Elaysian has Keefe...'' Sophie said slowly, 

Councillor Bronte nodded, bowing his head ''Then it'll be easy to say that Elaysian will use Keefe as a hostage to get whatever she wants.''

Keeper of the Lost Cities- Elaysian (BOOK 10)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt