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My first day on the job being pretty— okay. It was kind of intimidating to work in such a large company with so many employees, but I could manage.

I remember how I went into the large building, being welcomed by some 'elevator' music. I went to the receptionist fumbling with my hands in my pocket trying to take my ID out when she recognised me and calmed me by telling me that my office-ID got approved a few minutes ago.

We had a nice talk and finished some paper work. She was new too, so I wasn't alone, which relieved me.

When we finished I confidently walked to the elevators to get to my department: Admin + Marketing. The moment I stepped out of the elevator one guy stood in front of my department and walked towards me.

"Hey. My name's Gary. I'm your new 'boss'." I looked at him nervously. "..h-hello, my name is-" but he interrupted me.

"Hey no worries I was just on break nothing special. Just wanted to come by and introduce myself. Oh! Right. Jackson, the old man at the first desk on the right, will be there to assist you and give you your tasks.Well, I'll be going now." And he left. How rude, he didn't even let me speak, but however.

I went into my department standing there nervously looking around. Everyone seemed so busy, that they haven't even noticed me.

I just remember how Jackson went to me, introduced everyone to me that was in my department; Damian, Michael (with a C), Derek, Spreadsheet Guy and.. Josiah.

Everyone was nice, but the one I went with the best was Josiah. Even with his intimidating look, he was the one that made me laugh the most. Jackson didn't really seem to be a fan of Josiah, but I certainly was.

In the end Jackson introduced me to everything, my workspace, my computer, my tasks... It was really much and confusing, but at least Josiah was there.

Only mine, Josiah x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now