Coffee shop <3

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When work ended, it was already afternoon; 5:30pm. I waited at the office for Josiah putting of my jacket, scarf and others to protect me from the cold weather.

Josiah went to me learning over the small partition wall. "Yo what's up?" He asked.
I was putting my scarf around my neck answering: "Nothing much.." I pause.

"Are we still going to the cafe?" I asked while looking at him waiting for a response. "Ah right, sure. Just let me get my bag" I nodded and waited for him at the elevators.

He came to me to the elevators. "Are they still out of order?" he asks. I shrug my shoulder and pressed the buttons to try it out and they actually worked. Confused what actually happened we both go into the elevator.

- time skip ; at the cafe -

"We're here" he said. I looked around to analyse the cafe. It was a small nice cafe. "That's my favourite. Their cakes really taste good and I often buy my breakfast here" he scratches the back of his head. "Hope you'll like my recommendation"

I smiled at him and we went inside. We were welcomed with a little door bell ring. As we went inside we were instantly met with the sweet sent of any kind of pastries and other sweet goods. Suddenly we could see and elder lady come to us. "Ah welcome! Oh Josiah, back again? And who's this?" she looked curiously at me.

I waved her and introduced myself, then we ordered. I ordered a strawberry milkshake and a cheesecake. Josiah just went with cola and a croissant.

We started eating and he went on: "Well, what was your dream about?" I finished eating what was in my mouth and looked up to him. "Well, but it's weird..."

"I won't judge" he answered and continued "Now I'm curious too" he said while looking at me, taking a bite from his croissant.

"Well.. I dreamed that Gary called me and said I should went up to HR and once I arrived the lights turned out... I wasn't scared so I kept looking around and I found a flashlight. I used it and kept exploring more when I heard a scream. Of course I had to investigate!"

Josiah nods and looks invested. "And? What then? Did you find something?" he asked curiously. "Well yeah..."

"When I went around I saw a dimmed light after a while. When I went there I saw you, covered in blood around corpses! The next things that happened... Well I can't really remember then"

Josiah sighs. "Oh well, then haha.." he mumbled. "Good to know.."

I looked at him in curiosity. He just smiled and drank his cola. I chuckle. "Will you ever have a break from soda, or sweet stuff generally?" He scoffed and mumbled something to himself.

"If I had a break from sweet stuff, I'd need to have a break from you.."

I couldn't really understand what he said, but I just nodded anyways. "Sooo what are you planning to do today?" He looked around. "Probably playing video games" Why did I even ask, his cap literally says he's a gamer.

The rest of the day we spent walking around in our area talking about lots of stuff and when I went home we played video games together. It was nice.

Only mine, Josiah x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now