jealousy-Aaron and Celina

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celina pov

Aaron has been dating the therapist for a week now it breaks my heart every day we they kiss and so on everyone has there love and I dont.

Aaron pov

Im so sad and feel lost in love nothing makes me happy when i started to date her she just dosent make me feel as happy as celina dose I feel so i chose to break up with the therapist. 

nolan pov 

celina has been depressed and sad its messing with her choices making her a deserter and I cant let her get hurt so I speak with her but a call came in so we respond to it.

celina pov

we got the call and it was a child in a burning house aaron and Sargent grey were there i was so overwhelmed i headed started into the fire even when nolan told me to stop.

aaron pov 

Celina ran into the fire without protective gear somthing pulled me to save her so I ran into follew her when the team told me no 

celina pov 

i could not see enything or breath i lost my breath black filled my sight and i fell to the ground that was the last thing that happend 

aaron pov

 ''Celina" i screamed i could not see i was so scared then i heard a thump ''Celina"! ''Plz"

i wanted nothing other than for her to be ok i saw smoke clear i grabed her and ran bridle style runing out of the house cuse i cuold not breath i set her on the ground every one around me i shoke her ''Celina plz dont leave me "i pleated baeliy and her team came around us she told me to let them work i said "no i cant leave her" she looked me in the eye and said i cant help her but you can come in the ambulance i said "ok"she knotted then someone came out of the house with the kid we all rushed to the ambulance i held her hand as we walked in the hospital they said i could not go in the room as she was rolled out in to the E.R i sould and watched her go slowly in till the doors closed i stared to tear intill nolan and the sargent grey came behind and said "what was that you could have hurt yourself running into fire you are on the thin ice son- i cut him off and said "becuse i love her" i screamed before i could think did i just say that?saying to myself.

Celina pov

 i could feel somone holding my hand i fluttered my eyes to see aaron sleeping in the chair next to me why was he holding my hand he had the love of his life then i felt a sharp pain in my head then i woke him 

aaron pov

i woke up to see me holding the hand of woke celina "celina" with a sigh of religh i pulled her into a hug happy to see her my hand in mine  she pulled her hand out of mine and chuckled sorry i said"no its ok if your comfortable with it"  

celina pov

did he just say its ok i said "but you have a girl and thats not me?" he looked at me and said i know you like me and i do to she never met the way you do I love you celina"did he just say he loved me im screaming mabey my dream will come true i leaned in to a kiss and so did i are lips touched we kissed that made me more happy than ever. 


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