hurt but loved

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celina pov

i just got out of the hospital though Sargent didn't fire me i did get time off which i was mad at but whatever then aaron texted me he got time off to becuse he was on thin ice.he texted me saying are you ok? i said "i could be better" he was on his way

aaron pov

i wasnt ok with her saying ok i needed her to be perfect its my job as im her boyfriend so i went to the store and got a cupple of things and when to her house to help her 

celina pov

of course he was coming over to help me i heard a knock on the door who could it be ocures it was my loving bf he came prepared and held up a bunch of bags and gave me my fav coffee how did he know  he came in and asked where my bathroom was so i lead him to there i wonderd why  becuse he brought the bags into so i wounder but you do you i guess 

aaron pov 

i went to the bathroom i was going to set up the most amazing bath she ever seen to make her feel better once i was done i called her she walked in with her hands over her eyes so she could not see then i told her to open then she simled and laughed "what is this "to make you feel better she said "you didnt have to do this" i said "this is my job to make you feel good" i closed the door and let her change once she was in i came in becuse there was bubbles so i could not see than she asked"your not geting in" i said do you want me to" "yeah" she said i got in dressed and hoped in i asked"do you want me to rubb your back?"she said "no i want somthing else" "bet" i said we got to work starting to make out then more this was the best day ever

celina pov 

i loved him and i was so exited to have fun with aaron once we fineshed in the tub we when to the bed all day we stoped then ate then more i couldnt stop.

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning in aarons arms spooning i felt a wave of sickness and ran to the bathroom i throw up in the toilet 

aaron pov

i felt nothing next to me than sat up and heard throwing up in the bathroom i ran over to her and saw her leaning over the toilet i held her hair and rubbed her back she stoped then cried siting in my arms she hated throwing up then i heard my phone it was ringing i said "hello?'' it was sargent grey "we need you to come in today and celina " i said " ok well she i curenttly throwing up and dosnt feel good but i can come in" he said "ok come as soon as you can and celina can take sick day" "ok coming" i said 

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