the party re-do

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Finally the season is over. He could relax and enjoy the party Chris was throwing for the cast and crew. Duncan could see all of the total drama reality stars. Courtney and Gwen were talking to each other again, they started talking to each other after Total Drama all Stars. Who would've thought that Mike kid had chops to win.

Mike was talking to the redhead chick yet a crush on, Susie? Sasha ?Zoey? Something like that. She was she stayed in the game longer than Duncan thought she would have. Was definitely a Spitfire.

Duncan laughed to him self as he walked up to Courtney and Gwen. Courtney's brown hair had grown out. Her hair was tied up in curly ponytail and wearing navy blue mid thigh ruffled dress. She wore diamond earrings with silver diamond necklace, silver bracelets and silvery white heels.

Gwen had cut her hair into a pixie with bangs. Her hair was in blue and purple ombre colors, she was wearing a black long dress with slits up the side. Black heels, started thick black choker and silver dangly earrings. " sup lady's who are you to doing to tonight. " Courtney and Gwen gave him a bit of a cold look before sighing. " boring, no one's come over yet to say hi? No one will even talk to us! " Gwen nodded along. " yea it's gotten boring "

they started to chit chat at the end of the bar " so you and Gwen a thing now? " Courtney let out laugh and put her arm around Gwen's shoulder. " yea, we started dating when we turned 21, speaking of how old are now? 19, 20?" Courtney raised an eyebrow as she looked at Duncan with a smirk. He didn't think she'd be playful with him after what happened. He surprised himself when he let out a genuine laugh. " well think you for the laugh but I'm 21 same as you and Gwen here. " Duncan smiled and ordered himself and the girls something to drink. " can i get three rum and cokes please? "

Duncan,Gwen and Courtney starting having few good laughs. " I still can't believe you throw that party after the first season was amazing! Especially when you set that toilet on fire! " all of them bust out laughing.

Man was his dad mad but Duncan accepted the punishment. He screamed at him for an hour straight before sending him out of the house. He packed a bag and went to friends house. But it was worth it. But he was with his friends now and having good time.

Gwen and Courtney snuggled together as they reminisced on old times together when they saw a familiar face walk up to them. " hay Bridgette how things with Geoff? " Bridgette looked at him and smiled. " thing are going good dunk, I think Geoff's gonna propose soon. " her blonde hair was in Beachy Waves wearing a sparkly light blue dress that came up just above the thigh with a slit showing off her legs.

Duncan had to admit the color complimented her eyes perfectly. They started talking about life and how things were going. Bridgette clapped her hands together. " that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you and Courtney Gwen. And Duncan you still a guitarist for bottled grime? " Duncan rolled his eyes. He was kicked out after not being a no call no show, but he was kidnapped by Chris!

It wasn't really his fault but they're weren't many other bands in need of guitarist that made money. " nope, but I'll find something better, don't you worry Bridge "

Mike and Susie had walked up to them, he was acting kinda bashful. " oh hey, I'm Mike but you already know that right? Me and Zoey wanted to ask if Chris was that unhinged when you guys started on the show " they all nodded " yep " Courtney loose strand of hair behind her ear. " bet " Gwen took a sip of her drink. " uh-huh " Bridgette gave a soft smile as you replied. " un-duh of course man " Duncan leaned back in against the bar.

As they caught up they finally decided to part ways and enjoy the party separately. He met up with Blaineley who was having a great time, drunk and throw up on Chris's floor. She stumbled on by waving at him calling duncy, she was headed to near bt room. Cody was dancing on the table while Sierra was squealing and throwing money at him.

Duncan walked around bit more before seeing Alejandro and Heather making out in the back deck over looking the sea, the moon lighting up the sea making it sparkle and shine. It a perfect night made for lovers and a night made to kick lonely People while there down.

Duncan let out a sigh. He and Courtney were an OK couple but not like hoe she and Gwen are now. They look they just fit together. He walked around and saw more couple and flings. Maybe he just didn't wanna be with anyone for a while yet, maybe his therapist was right. Maybe taking some time for himself and working out his trauma and feeling was helping him. He still missed the band but he can only go up from here. He might even form his own band and kick them out of the water.

Duncan let out a smile at the thought. Him on bass rocking out while those back stabbing jerks went green with envy. The Roar the crowd is everyone Wild, the stating booming with music as people cheered for him and his band. Duncan was loving it.

He wait a bit longer to enjoy the party before he went outside to the side of the beach house. He dug into his pants pocket and pulled out a cigarette it. He didn't smoke much. But he might as well tonight. He was there enjoying his smoke that he was almost finished with when someone else came out too. " hay man you come out for a smoke too? " Duncan couldn't really see the guy. He was tall for sure.

" I came out because it was to crowded in there " Duncan nodded,it sound reasonable. " you're kinda handsome ya know " Duncan looked him. He couldn't quite see his face amongst the shadows. " huh thanks dude but I think need to go back in, i think my friends might be expecting  back by now. "

Duncan walked back when he was throwing to the ground with someone on top of him. " hay! Get off creep! " the body on top of him only seemed to laugh at him and his bravado. " you know handsome, I've seen you since day one on the Total Drama Island. And I have to say you're still as handsome as ever tough guy " Duncan felt stomach drop when he heard the purr in the man's voice. He struggled to get him off.

QThe man above him let out frustrated growl. " stop struggling! If you don't...." Duncan wasn't paying attention it was still struggling against his would be attacker. " get off of me! I don't know you in that way dude! " the the man let out another frustrated growl again. " that's it! " Duncan felt searing pain at the back of his head as everything fell to Black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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