Chapter Twenty

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"I can just hear your brain go wild, Flora," Lord Black said, as we sat by the window, opposite each other in our familiar chairs

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"I can just hear your brain go wild, Flora," Lord Black said, as we sat by the window, opposite each other in our familiar chairs. "Do tell me what's going on in your head."

He'd just said I needed a safe word, said I needed it for when our intimate moments became too intense or too painful, and I didn't understand why I even needed to have a word to keep me safe. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to keep me safe, instead of doing things that might cause me to feel hurt, sad, or afraid?

What was he planning on doing to me? I trusted my lord, but I couldn't help but feel a hint of anxiety rushing through my body. Maybe I just didn't understand what he meant?

"All of it?" I asked.

"After last night," he replied, ignoring my question, "I feel connected to you even more strongly. Can you feel that too?"

"I do."

In fact, I'd felt it all day long. "So yes, Flora, give me all of it. Give me all your thoughts, tell me all your doubts, and ask me all your questions, even if you think they're stupid or funny, or awkward. Never assume what I think or feel. Trust all of me with all of you." He looked at me in all seriousness, draping one leg over the other. "In fact, that's another rule from now on. When we're together, and I ask what is in your head, you will tell me everything. Understood?"

I nodded. "Yes, I understand." I wasn't thrilled about it though. I wasn't a liar, but expressing my every thought seemed like a hard thing to do. Not to mention embarrassing.

"Good girl..." He folded a hand through his long silver hair, stroking it to the back. So beautiful. "I want you to know that you can share anything with me. Now, tell me what's in your head."

I took a breath, finding the courage to tell him exactly what was on my mind. "Well... I was wondering what you're planning on doing to me that is so much, so painful, so sinful, that it makes me need a word to protect myself. Why can't I just say no? And why would you want to hurt me in the first place? I don't want to feel any pain. I trust you, but I'm also anxious."

"I'm not planning on hurting you, my Flora. Unless you want me to..." He gave me such a mischievous smile that my heart skipped a beat. "I'm planning on making you feel alive and showing you what true purpose feels like. Because this is who you are. You live to serve, and you love to serve, too, in every possible way, but all this desire might frighten you or become too much, and you need a way out. A safe word is a precaution only. You will have it if you ever need it."

He slowly uncrossed his legs again, and behind the tight velvet fabric of his trousers, I saw the outline of his cock—a sight that drew the breath from my lungs.

"W-will I ever need it?" I asked softly.

"If I know you well enough—and I think I do—there is a high chance you'll never need it. But you'll have to trust me and give yourself to me completely. However, if you do feel the desire to call out your safe word, you can and must always, always do so, and I will stop immediately. Do you understand that, my Flora?"

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