Fox returned

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[Opens up to a narrated story, displayed in a 2D-animated shadow puppet show. Two peacocks overlook a tall tower in gongmen city.]

Soothsayer: [In voiceover] Long ago, in ancient China, the ruled over . They brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented fireworks.

[Puppet citizens gather in the streets as colorful fireworks explode over the city. The scene then changes to a room in the palace Lord Shen: a young white peacock experiments with the gunpowder. A small explosion from the bowl surprises him, and then he smiles darkly. His mother and father  witness this outside his room, and look at each other with concern.]

Soothsayer: But their son, Lord , saw darker power in the fireworks. What had brought color and joy could also bring darkness and destruction.

[The scene switches to the throne room. The peacocks watch as the court soothsayer puts two items into a small bowl and an apparition emerges. In the apparition, a white peacock is consumed by a yin yang symbol.]

Soothsayer: Shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer. She foretold that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by two warriors . One of black and white, while the other with blood of his friend.

[Shen watches the scene from behind a pillar. He scowls and exits the palace with a pack of wolves.]

Soothsayer:The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did next... only sealed it.

[A moment later, the residents of a small village worth of pandas watch in horror as Shen ordered his wolves to slay them all.]

[He was about to slice up a panda himself when a long bo staff struck him in the face. Hard enough to pop his eyeball.]

Soothsayer: The young lord's friend looked at him with nothing but disappointment and claimed that this was not the man that he looked up to.

[Angered by his friend's betrayal, Shen scowled and lunged to his former friend.]

[Despite being a kung fu master trained by Oogway himself, the master was stabbed through the heart by the spoiled peacock. Flames surrond the two as it transitioned to the next 

[Back at the palace, Shen bursts in on his parents, triumphant yet bloodied. His expression changes when he sees the looks on their faces.]

Soothsayer: Shen returned to his parents full of pride, but in their faces, he only saw horror.

[Outside the palace gates, Shen and his parents stand on opposite sides. Shen's father signifies that Shen is banished.]

Soothsayer: He was banished from the city forever.

[Shen furiously says words back before departing with his wolves. Shen's parents' shoulders slump as they watch their son leave.]

Soothsayer: But Shen swore revenge: Someday, he would return, and all of China would bow at his feet.

[A door to the shadow puppet scene closes and then cuts to a foundry in the mountains. A pack of wolves are seen heaving, pounding, and burning metal. One of the wolves, a large soldier with one eye, jumps over to Shen and bows.]

Wolf: It's almost done, Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal.

Shen: Search the farthest villages. Find more metal! China will be mine.

[Cuts to the where two kids are seen playing with and in the 's courtyard.]

Bunny child: And then, the dragon and Phoenix warriors joined the Furious Five!

Pig Child: And they became the most awesomest team ever!

Bunny Child:[mimicking Po's voice] "Enough talk. Let's fight!"

Fox of the jade palace 2Where stories live. Discover now