The Journey starts here.

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[We open on Y/n rolling up Po's hurt arm with a roll of bandages. Despite not being the medical genius Mantis is, Y/n knows his brother like the back of his paw and knows exactly how to treat him when injured.]

[That unfortunately didn't help the fact that Po was squirming with each tightening of the wrap.]

Y/n: Quit squirming, Po. Your going to rip it and I'll have to start all over again.

Po: Well I wouldn't be here if you didn't do that reverse arm choke on me in your sleep!

Y/n: (Sighs) I know and I'm sorry. I didn't know what got into me last night.

[Y/n has been apologizing to both Po and the furious five for hurting them during the night. Considering he nearly snapped Crane's neck and would've broken Monkey's back, they were still cautious.]

[The Phoenix warrior looked at his adopted brother, he remembered his dream about the two women. One a fox and one a Panda.]

Y/n: me crazy but last night.....I had a dream.

Po: A dream ?

Y/n: Yeah and.....I saw a........never mind, you'd probably think I'm insane or some shit.

[Po looked at his brother offended.]

Po: Y/n, you know I wouldn't think that. What did you see in your dream ?

[Y/n was about to answer when master Shifu called out from the training grounds.]

Shifu: Students, out here! Now!

[As Po ran to where Shifu was, Y/n stood still as Kurama's ghostly appearance. had appeared from Y/n's back.]

Kurama: That was wrong. You hid valuable information to your adopted brother. That panda in your dream, that could be his mother.

Y/n: We don't know that, any info we actually have is mere speculation and not facts. Besides we still have to wonder who that fox really is.

Kurama: Yes, she's definitely important. Not only has she appeared in your dreams, but I feel as if I know her. It's vague but I know I once had strong feelings for her.

[Y/n, with his back still facing his ghostly father, opened his his eyes to show his scarlet pupils.]

Y/n: Then we find out who she is and who she is to us before telling Po of our vision.

[Cut to the Jade Palace. Po and the Five are gathered in the arena, watching Shifu read the contents of a scroll.]

Shifu: Are you familiar with the master of Gongmen City?

Po: You mean Master Thundering Rhino?

Shifu: Yes.

Po: Son of the legendary Master Rhino?

Shifu: Yes.

Po:And slayer of the ten-thousand serpents of the valley of woe ?

Shifu: He's dead.

[Po, Y/n and the Five are shocked. Kurama especially. ]

[Before his death, Kurama had trained the legendary trio of Croc, Ox and Rhino alongside Oogway. To hear one of his prized pupils was dead, was heart breaking.]

Po: Whoa.

[He reads the message with Tigress reading over his shoulder before he hands it to Monkey.]

Crane: That's impossible!

Tigress: Rhino's horn  is impervious to any technique.

Y/n: If that is true, then clearly this was no technique.

Fox of the jade palace 2Where stories live. Discover now