Chapter 1: We Fear That Which We Cannot Love

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High in the sky flew five beams, colored Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Pink. "That would be Magia Harem, right on cue." I spoke nonchalantly, everyone else ran in terror at the monster that was attacking the city. It was at least fifty meters tall, with curly black horns protruding from it's head. It's skin was made of fire, and it's footsteps were enough to crack the very ground. "Hey boy, you need to run!" Some guy in a suit ordered me. "Buzz off, I'm no kid, I'm eighteen." I told him and kept watching the fight that was about to go down.

Starting in the front, swathed in her bright red aura, representing physical love, Princess Eros, wearing the ever-typical Magical Girl dress, based in white cloth but highlighted with red. "Stop right there you deadly vagrant!" She yelled as she summoned a sword from her wrist. Next to her, swathed in Blue and representing playful, flirtatious love, Princess Ludus, from her wrists came two giant gauntlets. "You're foul evil will go no further!" Across from her, shorter and younger than the others, swathed in yellow, Princess Mania, representing obsessive love, faster than the others, her strength comes from the speed at which her blows landed. "I refuse to allow you to take the things I love away from me!" Next, swathed in Green, with threads wrapped around her fingers taking root in nearby buildings, ready to suppress the beast, representing Self-Love, Princess Philautia. "Girls, I'm ready to suppress this evil creature!" Finally, swathed in Pink with hands aglow with her magic, Princess Agape, representing Selfless love. "Just remember to fall back to me if you get injured!"

I've watched them for a while, they come in, proclaim their power in the name of love and friendship, kill the monster of the week, and then fly off after taking pictures with whoever is on the ground. Truth be told, Princess Eros, was once my classmate, though with her being two years older than me, she's already left the school we once shared. They use magic to conceal themselves but, for whatever reason I've always known it was her, I can see the other girls too but, I don't know them. They flew around attacking the monster with all their might, sending off their speeches and striking their usual poses, "Ginyu Squad type fight." I spoke. However, the worst happened. A beam of purple magic flew in from far, far away, faster than anything and hit Princess Agape in the back. She screamed in pain as the shot burned the back of her dress and seared her skin. "AGAPE!" Eros yelled. "What?" I questioned.

Off in the distance there was a man with a giant purple bow, you could barely see him, but my vision has always been better than others, according to my optometrist I have 200/200 vision, that's about the only impressive thing about me. "Look out, he's gonna fire again!" I screamed to them. Princess Philautia heard me and turned to me but in that moment she was shot and fell from the sky. I ran to where she was about to land, dodging past cars and smaller monsters that came with the giant one. She was still conscious, and I could see her using her powers to slow her descent. Because of that I was able to reach her in time. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She looked me in the eye and gave a nod. "Are you, the boy that Eros talks about?" She asked. "What?"

In that single moment of sight lost, the other three were all shot down, landing nearby. "No." I spoke. The monster was free to rampage, it would take hours for another team of Magical girls to arrive, and who knows what would happen with the Warlock in the distance. "C...Cyrus? Holy shit." Eros spoke. "Sorry, you had to see that." "Hold on, you remember me?" I asked her. She winced in pain trying to move, "Hell yeah, you were the best looking in your year, at least, I thought you were." They all looked to the monster and then back to me. "Hey, you think you could take that thing?" She asked, I thought she was joking. "No, I can't do what you five do." I told her. "Not as you are, I'll give you some of my power but, keep this a secret, okay? This move is forbidden, especially with boys but, we don't have a choice." She spoke and held out her hand. I didn't hesitate and moved to her. "Hang on." Ludus spoke. "You can't just give him a little, it won't be enough, take some of mine too, unless your scared to hold a girls hand?" She teased despite her injury. "I'm eighteen, I'd be a little old to be scared of that." "Then take mine too." Philautia offered. "Have some of mine too." Agape offered before Mania, "Take mine too, please take it!"

With a nod and I grabbed all their hands at once and felt their power surge into me. This is a little from each of them? Incredible! I thought, not knowing that something was wrong. When they let me go, they all faded from their transformations, their once colorful dresses being reduced to plain white robes, and they looked to each other shocked. I slowly stood up as magic power surged through my body, and I felt myself transforming. My clothes seemed to rip away as I was bathed in rainbow light, gloves covered my hands, long boots rose around my legs and a leotard, followed by a super frilled dress formed around my torso, before I knew it, even my black hair now had gold highlights across it. I smiled, feeling way different than my usual self and I spoke. "Prepare for trouble if you call yourself evil! There's a new cute face on the block, the harbinger of justice and keeper of peace. I am Prince Pragma, and I am here to shout, 'til your death!"

Before all their eyes, a new magical girl was born, but this one was a boy without a doubt. My clothes were adorned in swirls of Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink. I turned to the monster who was getting ready to slam his fist down on us. "Leave this to me, Pragma out!" I shouted with glee as I leaped into the air faster than any of them, or even I expected. I soared past the monsters hand and got right in it's face. My fist had no magic behind it but, with one punch I caved it's head in and it fell backwards dead in a single hit. "And in his debut fight, Prince Pragma is victorious, but the battle isn't over yet, no, no, no, there is a naughty boy just beyond the bend!"

As I spoke that, the warlock in question was upon me with his fist covered in dark magic that spun around like a drill. In a single move I moved away with numerous flips in the air. "3240 degrees, nine whole spins, now for you to spin!" I rushed back and grabbed his robe before spinning rapidly in place and launching him into the air. "How about a little magic, but with a twist!" I yelled and held my palm to the sky as a white orb formed in my hand and near infinite lasers shot from it. "Lightning Magic: Laser Circus!" I twirled in place as the lasers continued to fire and annihilate the warlock, leaving only a cloud of red mist behind.

I jumped from the building I stood on and landed before Magia Harem. "In his birth he soared like a majestic eagle, and while this may be his last battle, it will never be forgotten, I thank you Magia Harem for this moment of life that you have gifted me." I spoke as my body reverted to normal and I dropped to my knees, my face was bright red, and I was out of breath. "What... the fuck... was that?" I questioned. "Maybe you can explain that to us?" A young male voice spoke. The owner was a white hairless cat with a five-pronged star on its forehead. "What?" I asked it. "You've taken all the magic from my girls you dickhead." He spoke with vulgarity. "Infan that's no way to talk to him!" Agape scolded him. He sulked for a moment, "Sorry, just a bit shocked at all this, especially since this boys aura is so similar to that of the Dark Queen, Madama Luna." "What!?" All six spoke.

Madama Luna was the evil leader who sought to plunge the world into darkness, someone like that is not someone you want to be called similar to at all. With this power now in my hands, I had no way of knowing that my life was going to change in a way that I could have never predicted. My name is Cyrus, I'm 18 years old, and a senior in high school, and starting today, I am a Magical Girl Substitute!

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