Chapter 2: You'll Need A Lawyer For This Contract

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With the monster dispatched and the clean up crews having arrived at the scene. Infan guided Magia Harem and Cyrus back to their base, which was just the apartment that belonged to one of them. "Now that we have some privacy, it's time I explain to you what you have done Cyrus." Infan spoke as he jumped onto the kitchen counter. Cyrus remained standing until Princess Eros spoke, "You can sit on the couch Cyrus." She told him. He nodded and sat down as Infan began, "Now then, as you may or may not know, Magical Girls are born when individuals like myself, known as the Mako, come into contact with compatible girls who have a sense of justice or the will to do right, we make a contract with them and they are given magic, this process is incompatible with men, which is why all of Madam Solis's forces are strictly women. What you seem to have done, is in that moment of contact, you absorbed all of the power from my girls and taken it for yourself."

Cyrus took that in and spoke, "Then, can't you just take the power back from me and give it back to them?" He asked. "If it was that simple don't you think I would have done so?" Infan answered. Cyrus went to speak but, realized that he had a point, "Okay, so what do we do then?" "Well, we have to find a way for you to return the power to them, it could be connected to the fact that you reek like Madama Luna, so you may have access to Dark Magic without even knowing." "Not unless really good eyesight is Dark Magic, otherwise I've got nothing." He replied. "No it isn't." Infan assured him reluctantly. He rolled his eyes and jumped from the counter heading for a shelf of books.

"Why don't we just inform Madam Solis," "ABSOLUTLEY NOT!" Infan screamed. "INFAN!" Princess Eros yelled back. Infan whipped his head to look at her for a moment before going back to the shelf. Eros sat next to Cyrus, "Listen, we get where you're coming from with that one but, what we did is expressly forbidden, we only meant to give you a little power that would have faded after a bit." "So, what would happen then, you guys would be fired?" He asked. Ludus spoke up, "Something like that, if you count execution as being fired." Cyrus felt his stomach plunge, "What? But, you were trying to stop that monster, you did what you had to do to save the day! They would execute you for that?" Philautia nodded, "Unfortunately, which is why Ma... I mean Eros asked you to keep it a secret initially."

With that slip-up, Eros suggested, "Why don't we go through introductions, you'll be having to work for us for a while since you have our power, don't worry though, you're face is unrecognizable when transformed, and I bet we could even tweak it to hide your gender too." She explained before clearing her throat, "Cyrus, you probably don't remember my name but I'm," "Maria, I still remember it." "Oh, you do?" "Yeah." He replied. You stopped me from killing myself without even knowing it, stopping to have a conversation with a complete stranger, though, I still tried the next day. He thought. Suddenly Ludus hopped over to the couch Cyrus was on and sat right next to him, "Well then Mr. Popular, my name is Meri, remember it!" "Well you seem to have to no definition of personal space." He spoke as she leaned closer, "What's that, didn't hear you?" She teased. "He said, please stop Meri." Agape spoke.

"I'm just teasing him." "Yes but we should still be respectful of his wishes, even if on a certain note he doesn't have much of a choice, regardless, my name is Eydis, it's very nice to meet you Cyrus." She introduced herself. Cyrus nodded, "Same here." Wow, I don't know what it is but, she gives off such a different feeling from all the other girls I've ever met, maybe it's in her namesake as a Magical Girl? He wondered before turning to Philautia, "Could I get your name?" He asked. "Its Arachne," She spoke with a smile, "Yes like the creature from Greek mythology, and no I don't know why." "Wow." Cyrus spoke. Arachne shook her head, "Sorry, I just get asked those questions so much that I figured I should include them in my introduction, and don't worry, those questions don't bother me anymore." Arachne assured him. "Really, so they used to?" She nodded, "Indeed, but that was before I joined Magia Harem, but before anymore of that, we have one more member to introduce."

She turned to look at Mania, even though she was fifteen, she stood much shorter than the rest, resembling that of a small child, especially as she clung to the stuffed bear in her arms. "Go, it's okay." Arachne assured her. She nodded and stood from her seat on the floor and walked in front of Cyrus. She spoke, her voice softer than the footsteps of a mouse, "My name is Alice." If she was clinging to a stuffed rabbit there would be a Wonderland joke to make there but, I probably shouldn't even then. He thought as he stared at her. Perhaps it was how cute she looked but, Cyrus felt himself compelled to reach his hand out and pat her head. Alice stood there, feeling the weight of his hand upon her head and the gentleness that came with it. "S...Sorry, probably should have asked first." He apologized.

Meri smiled and did a countdown, "3... 2... 1..." When she finished, Alice had lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Cyrus's torso, hugging him tight and clinging to him, her face buried in his stomach. He was shocked to say the least, "Um, what are you..." "Sorry," Maria spoke, "she clings to people really easily." "But, why is she clinging to me?" Cyrus asked. Eydis giggled, "Clearly it was that head pat you gave her, she wears her heart on her sleeve despite how little she speaks and her shyness when she isn't transformed." Maria looked at Cyrus's hand that was at his side and grabbed his wrist guiding his hand to the top of her own head and moving it as though to make him pat her head. He did just that after she let go, "Wow, this does feel really good, I see why Alice is clinging to you now." She spoke before wrapping her arms around Cyrus much like Alice was.

Alice hugging him in a way reminiscent of a sibling and Maria hugging him from the side, with other intentions clear in the way she was keeping herself pressed to him, Cyrus couldn't help but wonder, Where the fuck was this kind of attention when I was in middle school? "Okay girls, please release him, he has work to do." Infan requested. Maria let him go no problem but, Alice did so reluctantly. "First, you all should regain your powers with time, as for you, I unfortunately have to give you some instructions on how to use your magic." He explained, he waved his paw to get him to lean down. When he did, Infan jumped on top of his head, "I'm going to teleport us, I suppose I should warn you, you might throw up." Just before he was teleported, he felt a tug on his hand and the scene changed to an all-white room that seemed to go on forever.

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