Chapter 3: One, Two, Three, Four, How Many Targets Do You Have In Store?

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Cyrus stumbled from the sudden move and Infan jumping from his head. He held himself up and kept his breakfast down as best he could. "Y...You weren't kidding." He spoke to Infan. He then felt a hand rubbing his back, he looked and saw Alice was the one doing it. "Alice?" He questioned calmly. "ALICE!?" Infan screamed in shock. "What are doing, this is going to be dangerous, we have no idea what he's capable of right now, come here I'll take you home right now!" He tried but, Alice suddenly clung to Cyrus and shook her head. "What?" Infan questioned. "I think she wants to stay." "Nobody asked you!" Infan screamed at him. He looked back to Alice, she pointed at Cyrus's face and nodded, confirming that he is correct.

Infan sighed, "Okay, you can stay." His eyes began to glow, and a very comfortable looking armchair appeared in the area. "Please sit over there until we're done, okay?" He requested of her, she answered by clinging harder to Cyrus. "Please Alice, this is going to be dangerous." He pleaded. Cyrus looked down at her and smiled, What if I talk to her like an older brother? He thought and knelt down. "Alice, can you go sit over there for a minute, I need to make sure I can protect the people and that includes you, I'd feel just terrible if you got hurt and I could have done something, and when I'm done training I'll give you all the head pats and hugs you want, okay?" He bribed her. She let go easily and nodded before making her way over to the chair and sitting down.

Damn that actually worked, she's supposed to be fifteen right? She acts like she's five. Cyrus wondered and turned back to Infan who was glaring at him. Cyrus shook his head at him making Infan roll his eyes and turn as he summoned numerous red targets. "You already pulled off a unique lightning spell, so now try some others, just hit the targets." He told him. Cyrus turned to them, "I need to transform first." He spoke to himself. "How do I do that, earlier it just kind of happened." Infan sighed, "Clap your hands three times and yell transform." Cyrus turned back and did just that. One, two, three claps, "Transform!" He yelled as magic enveloped his body once more and he donned his previous outfit. The short dress of Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Pink, the gloves that covered his hands, the high boots that protected his legs, and his black hair that once again became adorned with golden highlights.

He smiled as that side of him came out again, "It's time for a sequel so soon after the first run ended, looks like Prince Pragma is here for a good bit, time for some target practice, lets try this one out!" He yelled with high enthusiasm and took in a deep breath. "Fire Magic: Dragon Flame Caterwaul!" He breathed out multiple balls of fire that were shaped like dragon heads, each one sought out a target and destroyed it without hesitation. "Next please Infan, you handsome devil you!" He requested with a wink. Infan sneered, "I'm not into men but, whatever." He spoke and summoned a plethora of targets, many of them now moving and flying. "Let's cool this place down, Water Magic!" He held up his hands like they were guns, "Water Gun!" He yelled and shot bullets of water from his fingertips, all the while posing with each shot as they travel and pierced each target.

A giant block of metal appeared before him and he snickered, "Earth Magic," He threw his hands to the sky as multiple rocks appeared and rose to the sky. "Meteor Storm!" He threw his hands down and the rock barraged the metal block crushing it. With a spin he whipped up a whirlwind and kicked his leg out, "Wind Magic: Kick Scythe!" He yelled as a straight line of pressurized wind shot from his leg and sliced the metal in half. He turned to Infan, "I suppose you're doing pretty good, your next target's will try to fight back, so be ready I guess."

With a wave of his front paws, a number of enemies that resemble crash test dummies appeared. Without hesitation, Cyrus wound up his run like a looney toons character and charged forward. With a single punch he knocked the first down. Another one of them tried to punch him, but he grabbed its arm and spun around with it, while doing this he kept moving and knocked into the other dummies, destroying them until only a few remained. Infan tried to mess with him by having these dummies converge and morph into one that was over twenty feet tall.

Cyrus clapped his hands, "Lightning Magic: Super Legs!" He yelled as his speed tripled and he jumped punching the giant in the face and sending it flying, but he wasn't done as he caught up to it and barraged it from all sides as he moved as fast as lightning. "Bim-bam-bop-boosh!" He yelled as the dummy was pulverized. He landed right in front of Infan and Alice and took a bow, "It would seem that this magic came with it's own form of muscle memory, I'm shooting from the hip and doing just fine!" He spoke with a big smile. "Alright alright, settle down, you're doing fine, though actual fights will definitely be tougher than this and what you faced this morning, for now lets head back, you'll be fine." Infan told him and gathered both him and Alice before teleporting back to the apartment.

When they returned, the others had finally changed out of the white robes they were left in after the power transfer. Cyrus, who was still transformed, locked his eyes on Maria, she was wearing a crop top that exposed her belly and shorts that showed off a lot of her legs, seeing this, the transformed Cyrus spoke, "Dear Maria, I must admit you look hotter than a radiator in the winter in casual wear." Maria looked down at herself and smiled before making her way towards Cyrus. "Do I now?" She asked getting right to his ear and whispering, "You wanna find out how hot I can get?" She offered. A blush crept onto his face, before he could respond, the transformation came undone and he fell backwards, his face as red as Santa Claus's coat. "I...I um..." He stuttered making her laugh at his embarrassment. "Come on, let's get you up." She offered her hand to him. He gave a sheepish nod and took it.

Right, of course she was joking, nobody wants to deal with all this pain. When she stood him up she whispered once more, "My offer still stands Cyrus." And kissed him on the cheek, making his face light up once more. Meri, who was watching the whole time, and now dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants spoke, "Damn Maria, I need to learn how you do that." Maria turned around and told her, "I have to keep some secrets to myself." She explained simply and walked to the couch and sat down with her legs crossed, her eyes never leaving Cyrus. The eyes of a predator. He thought.

"So how did the training go?" Arachne asked. She was wearing a long casual dress. "I did fine, I think, I didn't seem to have too much trouble with the dummies that Infan spawned." Cyrus answered. "That's good to hear, you didn't over do it though did you?" She asked further. Cyrus shook his head, "I don't think I did." "Good, make sure your taking care of yourself in battle, you'll be on your own for the most part so, you may not have many chances to heal, keep an eye on yourself and know when its good to back off and play defense to recover for a bit." She instructed him. "Y...Yes, I will." He spoke.

Infan suddenly let out a hiss and his skin crawled, "I can sense Dark Magic, Madama Luna has released someone nearby." He spoke. Cyrus turned to him and nodded, "Just point me in the direction then, I'm ready!" Infan nodded and the two went for the window, just as Cyrus was about to transform again, "Cyrus," Eydis stopped him, "Be careful, okay? You may be really strong now, but that doesn't mean you can't get hurt." Cyrus gave a nod, "I will." He then transformed, "I'll come back without a single scratch on me!"

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