Chapter 24

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News of Cole's condition had spread fast, and people were completely up in the air about it which was understandable. They didn't know the details of how gravely unwell he was, but when Anthony showed up at my hospital door, I opened up about it all.

I needed to tell somebody everything - leaving out the parts about the wolfsbane trials and the communication device.

Kassandra had stopped by briefly again right before, and I had explained how we were going to do everything we could to help Finn. She was grateful, and immediately jumped into action, claiming that she was going to go and find some warriors to lecture. I knew that they weren't going to give her the time of day though.

"So where are the humans that were being housed in the apartment complex now?" Anthony asked me as he leaned back against the sink in the corner of the hospital room. "If the building is falling apart, they can't live there, right?"

I shook my head. "Rowan told me that they've set up tents nearby for now. They're all being watched. They can't be allowed to leave until we can clear all of them of being involved with the attack."

Anthony hummed, huffing. "And your human friend, Finn?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to speak about him, because we didn't have a plan. Finn wasn't going to be able to hold on forever, and we needed to get him out of that colony as soon as possible. Without Cole though, it was hard to know what to do.

I was trying my best not to think of my mate, although I had visited his room seven times in the past hour, finding myself standing and staring at him in the doorway, just longing for his eyes to open. They never did though.

"Okay," muttered Anthony, sifting through his carpentry book he had brought with him. I gathered that he had been told that he was going to be in the waiting room for a long while before getting to see me, and had popped back home to collect it. "So this Christopher guy is dead?"

I nodded in confirmation. I had seen Finn stab him.

"And this Bill guy is the only lead we have regarding this so called 'rich' colony?" Anthony questioned, snapping his book shut and placing it on the chest of drawers next to him, sighing. He was probably a stress-reader.

"Yes, Bill has been in surgery and he's recovering," I said, gazing out towards the door. This hospital was huge, and I had no idea where he could be. My guess was that he was somewhere away from others though where he could be watched by warriors.

I was paranoid since finding out about the communication device Christopher and Bill had been hiding, worried that there were more of them dotted around the apartment complex. Rowan had reassured me that he was going to be doing a full sweep of it though, checking for any signs of them. If there were any there though, they were probably crushed underneath the rubble now.

"Well, we need to go and find this Bill," Anthony muttered, his jaw taut. He looked on edge, but was holding it back as best he could.

I scowled. "I'm not sure if that's a great idea. Rowan said that he was sorting it with Bill, and he might not even be in a position to talk. He could be unconscious."

Anthony shrugged, appearing unbothered. "Then I'll wake him up."

After a few minutes of sitting in pleasant silence, I sighed, pushing myself off the bed.

"Going to check on him again?" Anthony wondered, nodding towards the direction of Cole's room.

It was tempting, but I shook my head. No good could come from staring at my lifeless mate's body. "No, I'm going to go and see if I can find Bill. You're right. We need to talk with him."

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