Chapter 8 (Longer Chapter)

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Sierra and Derek walked out of the hospital entrance when she paused getting a gut feeling, a bad one. "You okay?" Morgan asked noticing she stopped walking. "Yeah, um... I might stick around until she wakes up," She told him. Morgan nodded, "That's probably a good idea, considering our unsubs history of resuscitating his victims until they eventually die," he replied. "Keep me posted on her condition," Morgan told her before he made his way over to the SUV. 

Sierra made her way back into the hospital and ED, "Did you forget something?" Maggie the charge nurse asked noticing she was back. "No, I figured I'd stick around and keep an eye on Ms Thomas," she replied. "Okay, if you need anything let me know. There's coffee in the vending machine out in the waiting room if you want some," Maggie replied as Sierra thanked her and stood outside Summer's door. 

Something was telling her, this unsub might be ballsy enough to show up at the hospital to finish what he started or get what he was initially looking for. Sierra wondered why the multiple drowing attempts and resuscitation. If he wanted his victims dead why resuscitate them?

Sierra stood watch, keeping an eye on anyone who came into the ED and also keeping an eye out for anyone who fits their unsub's description. "Hey, you look like you could use this," Sierra looked next to her to find Connor standing there holding out a to go cup with what she assumed was a coffee. "Thanks," she replied sending him a small smile accepting the drink. "I thought you left," her brother said looking at Sierra before looking at his patient and her monitors. "I wanted to stay here, keep an eye on her in case..." Sierra replied. 

Connor raised an eyebrow at her, "In case?" he asked. Sierra didn't say anything but scanned the ED and the patients coming entering and exiting. "Can I ask why the FBI is interested in my patient?" her brother asked as she met his gaze. "Have you heard about the string of drownings over the last week and a half?" Sierra asked. "The 4 boys? Yeah, it's been all over the news," Connor replied. "You think the person that did that to them did this to her?" he adds as Sierra nods her head yes. "why?" he asked again, "We're still looking into that," she replied. 

Connor went into Ms. Thomas' room and checked her monitors, and vitals before walking back over to the door where she stood. "I just don't understand how someone could do this," her brother said sadly looking back over to his patient lying in the hospital bed with tubes down her throat, IVs, and wires covering her arms. 'What if this unsub resuscitates his victims for answers? but what kind of answer would he be looking for? 

Sierra let out a sigh, "People suck," she said. "They do, I'm gonna continue on my rounds. If you need anything get Maggie to page me," Connor said sending her a small smile before he walked away again. Sierra stood in the doorway sipping her coffee and keeping an eye on anyone who entered the ED and, anyone who entered Ms. Thomas' room. 

As the dark haired agent stood there she kept trying to figure out why this unsub would drown, and resuscitate his victims repeatedly. What would he gain from it, an answer. She told herself, but what answer would he want? That's when it hit her. Sierra pulled her phone out and called Reid. "Hey," he said answering the line, "Hey, Reid it's Rhodes. I might have a theory on why our unsub might be drowning and resuscitating his victims," she said the last part more quietly. "I'm Putting you on speaker," Reid replied as she caught his attention. "He's looking for answers only his victims can give him," Sierra adds. 

"Okay, but answers for what?" JJ asked through the line. "The afterlife, he might be resuscitating his victims to find out what happened when you die and after you die," Sierra replied. The line went silent for a moment, "If that's the case then our unsub might be sick," Rossi says. "It would explain the victimology change and the change in his disposal sites. If this unsub is sick and it's causing him to grow weaker it would also explain why he went from muscular men to small petite woman," Reid adds. "Rhodes I want you to stay at the hospital until we catch this guy," Hotch said through the line. "If we add Rhodes theory the probability this unsub might show up at the hospital is really high," Reid added. 

The call ended and Sierra scanned the ED again noticing a few nurses and doctors were glancing at her and whispering before instantly looking away from her gaze. Either because the FBI was in their emergency room or because they heard she was Connor's sister another Rhodes. The dark haired agent took a sip of the coffee her brother brought. 

Within the hour she finished the coffee tossing the empty cup in the gabage 2 feet away before returning outside the door posted as extra security. "I can get you a chair if you want?" Maggie offered pausing in front of Sierra as she went to check on a patient. "I'm okay thanks, I'd prefer to stand," Sierra replied sending her a smile. Maggie nodded and walked away to direct another patient that had just rolled into the ED. 

Hours went by and Sierra hadn't moved keeping an eye out in case their unsub was stupid enough to show up here. As she stood watch she noticed a few of the doctors exit a lounge with coats on heading home after their shift. "Hey," Sierra looked next to her finding Jay holding another coffee. "You look like you could use one of these," he said handing her one of the 2 cups. "Thanks," Sierra said appreciatively accepting the cup. 

They fell into a comfortable silence for a moment as she took a sip of the warm bean juice as her phone rang from her pocket. "Rhodes," Sierra said answering the call and placing the phone to her ear. "Hey, it's me, you're on speaker with the team," Garcia said through the line. "Hey guys, what's up Garcia?" she asked. "I just found out who our unsub is. His name is Johnathan Benson, I'm sending his DMV photo to you now. His mom left when he was 8, he was left in the sole care of his father who drank his grief. A few years after Johnathan Benson's mom left he was in a serious car accident, he was resuscitated on scene and flown to East Mercy, clinically though he died though," Garcia said through the line. 

Sierra looked at the DMV photo Garcia sent, showing Jay the photo. They both scanned the ED not recognizing anyone. "I'll keep an eye out here and let you know if I see him," she said through the line still getting that bad gut feeling when she told Morgan she'd stay here. Jay scanned the room again more slowly when his eyes landed on a young man in his early 20s and fit the DMV photo Garcia sent. "He's here at Med," Jay said looking at her. "7 o-clock," he replied as Sierra casually glanced in the direction, and back to Jay with a nod. "Johnathan Benson's here at Med," the agent said. "We're on our way, wait for backup," Hotch told her through the call. 

The call disconnected and Jay looked at Sierra, "Are we bringing him in?" the former ranger asked. "We have to wait for backup," she replied, "You are my backup, just like the old days," Jay replied before he started walking down the hall towards their unsub. 

"JOHNATHAN BENSON, CPD FREEZE" Jay yelled as they got closer only causing him to shove a patient out of his way before he took off sprinting down the hall. Jay and Sierra were right behind him as he ran into the stairwell taking 2 steps at a time up to the second floor. Jay and Sierra reached the second floor as the door closed and Jay looked at her before pulling the door open and waiting for her to be ready in case he tried to ambush them in the hall. 

Jay pulled the door open and with her gun drawn, she cleared the hall and the two started running down the hall where their unsub took off between a set of double metal doors. The PA system in the hospital began calling a lockdown. Jay and Sierra made their way to the end of the hallway. He paused before opening the door, waiting for her to give him a nod that she was ready. 

He pulled the door open and as she started clearing the door, her gun was knocked from her hand and at the last second she saw a fist coming towards her. Sierra ducked using her right leg to sweep their unsubs legs out from under him. "FBI, Stay down," Sierra told him as he lunged to his feet and took off sprinting down the hall and around the corner. "why do they always run," Sierra said more to herself as she picked up her gun and the two ran after their unsub. 

"Come on doesn't this remind you of the good old days?" Jay asked sending her a smirk as they carefully cleared the corner only to have their unsub charge at her the moment she rounded the corner. The force knocked the two backward and Jay watched as their unsub and Sierra crashed through the second-story window and landed on the ground outside. 


Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I made it a little longer just because it's been a while since I uploaded. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and I'm hoping to have chapter 9 posted by Wednesday (March 20th, 2024). Thank you for all the love and support! <3 


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