Chapter 13 (Longer Chapter)

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2 Weeks Later

Connor Rhode's Penthouse, Astoria Tower, Chicago Illinois 

It had been 2 weeks since the girl's night, Sierra spent her morning relaxing and hanging out around the penthouse before her 2nd follow up appointment with Dr. Halstead after her brain surgeries. Sierra heard from JJ, Penelope, and Emily a couple of times, checking in on her along with Dr. Reid. 

Around 8:30 Connor came back to the penthouse to pick Sierra up for her appointment at the hospital for 9:30. "Isn't it going to be nice when I finally get cleared to go back to work and you can finally have your place back?" Sierra partially joked with her brother on the drive to the hospital. Connor shrugged staying quiet for a moment, "I've kinda missed having you around," he replied after a moment before his porche pulled into the hospital. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Connor pulled up to the hospital valet and the two stepped out of the car and gave the valet the keys. "Just... Promise me you'll visit more after you get cleared?" he asked Sierra on their way into the hospital as he held the door open for her. She nodded, "If you want me to," Sierra agreed. 

"I gotta head back to the ED, when you're done call me and I'll drive you home," Connor said, "Okay," Sierra agreed as her brother made his way to the ED and she made her way to the waiting room. The wait didn't take long before she was back in a treatment room going through the usual follow up with Dr. Halstead. 

"Any headache, dizziness, or sudden loss of vision?" he asked. "Nope," Sierra replied. "Any sensitivity to light or sound? and any ringing in your ears?" he asked her. "Nope," Sierra replied again as he went over her pupil reaction to light. "Everything looks good, are you sleeping okay and getting rest?" Dr. Halstead asked as Sierra nodded. "So much that I'm bored out of my mind most days... Do you think I'd be okay to start going back to my day to day routine?" she asked. 

"Depends on what you had in mind?" he replied, "Going to the gym," Sierra said more than asked. "I'd recommend giving your skull more time to heal before starting to go to the gym. I'd still limit the amount of screen time, but if you want to go for walks or get out of the house I think that's a great idea," Dr. Halstead replied. 

Sierra nodded agreeing, "Thank you, Dr. Halstead," she replied after they set up another follow up appointment 3 and a half weeks away. It didn't take Sierra long to find Connor in the ED working on a patient who just rolled into the ED. "Hey, Sierra right?" Maggie asked noticing she walked into the ED. "Are you looking for your brother?" she asked as Sierra nodded, "Can you let him know I'll see him at home? He was supposed to drive me but, he looks... busy," Sierra replied looking at Maggie who nodded. 

"I'm heading that way if you want a drive home?" Sierra turned around to find Jay and his older brother a few feet away from her and Maggie. "Which way? I don't remember specifying," Sierra replied looking at Jay with a small smirk. "Do you want a ride home Rhodes?" he asked her again raising his eyebrow at her. Sierra was going to say no, but looked at Connor who was rushing around a treatment room with a few nurses. 

"He might be a while, I can let him know you got a drive home safe," Maggie said noticing what Sierra was looking at. "Okay, but I'm giving you gas money," she told Jay who scoffed. "Like Hell, I offered to drive you home," he replied. "Thank you, Maggie. Dr. Halstead see you in a few weeks," Sierra said before she and Jay made their way out of the hospital. Through the parking lot and over to a dark black pickup truck. 

Jay held open the passenger door for Sierra and shut it behind her before walking around the truck and climbing in the driver's seat. Sierra couldn't help but blush at how much of a gentleman he was. The two fastened their seatbelts and pulled out of the hospital parking lot. "Thanks, for driving me back to my brothers," she said looking at him. 

Jay nodded, "Anytime," he replied sending her what she referred to as his signature smirk and turning his focus back on the road. Sierra bit back a smile as she looked at Jay, thinking about what JJ, Emily, and Penelope said. 'I don't think he left your side' 'Ooo that boy has it bad for you' "Here, I found this a couple of weeks ago when I was going through some boxes. Thought you might want it," Jay said as he pulled a photo out of the closed sun visor above his head and handed it to her. 

Sierra was confused for a moment until she saw the photo and the confusion was replaced quickly with surprise. The photo was of Sierra, Jay, Mouse, Brooks, and Alvez.  The two other Rangers they severed within, during their tours in Afghanistan. The photo was taken a week before they got ambushed and she was abducted tortured and ultimately discharged. I the photo all of them were standing side by side in full Ranger uniform. Sierra was standing in the middle of the group next to Alvez who was kissing her cheek. 

The two dated for a moment, it didn't last more than a few months before they both agreed to just be friends. Ironically enough that exact day they ended things, was the day they got ambushed. "Which way am I heading?" Jay asked pulling her from her memories. "Astoria Tower, don't you want to keep this?" Sierra asked him. "I have a copy," he replied earning a surprised look from her. "We all got a copy, I held onto yours to hopefully give you one day," Jay replied as his truck pulled to a stop outside Connor's building. "Thank you, for this and the drive again," Sierra replied hoping the detective wouldn't notice the $50 bill she left in his cup holder for gas as she stepped out. 

Connor Rhode's Penthouse, Astoria Tower, Chicago Illinois

"Any time," he replied sending her his signature smirk as she closed the door and made her way into the building. Only when she stepped inside and the door closed behind her she noticed Jay drove away. Sierra took the elevator up to Connor's floor and made her way down the hall when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket as she unlocked the door to the apartment. 

Sierra closed the door behind her before she pulled her phone out of her pocket noticing the caller ID read 'Morgan'. Sierra pressed the answer button and placed the device to her ear. "Hey Morgan," she said as she kicked her shoes off. "Hey Rhodes, how are you feeling?" her partner asked. "I'm feeling good, why do you guys miss me already?" she asked with a light laugh. "You know we do, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? maybe take a walk to the bean," Morgan suggested referring to the bean sculpture in Millennium Park. 

"You're in Chicago?" Sierra asked surprised as Morgan went quiet for a second. "Yeah, I'm back visiting my mom and sisters for a bit, I had some Paid vacation days," Morgan replied. "When did you want to go?" Sierra asked, "An hour sound good?" Morgan replied. "Yeah, I'll meet you there," Sierra replied realizing it was only a 20 minute walk from Connor's building. 

After they ended the call Sierra went down the hall to the guest room and got changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, and a black 'Chicago' hoodie and added her dark grey winter jacket over top. Sierra made her way over to the door and paused writing a note for Connor in case he got back before her. After she put her shoes back on, took the spare penthouse key and building key card and made her way out of the building. Sierra wanted to stop on the way and grab something to eat before she met up with Morgan, which is why she was leaving earlier than she initially would have. 


Hey everyone, I hope you like Chapter 13. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments. I should have chapters 14 & 15 posted over the weekend (March 23rd & 24th, 2024). Thank you for all the love and support <3


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