HC - 8.A. Second Chance.

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Saturday, November 25, 20YY

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Saturday, November 25, 20YY


Cokrompek City Public High School.

12-A Science Program Class.


Days passed swiftly as if they were unfamiliar with the word "excuse me." Something that couldn't be overlooked. On Monday, November 27, 20YY, a competency test would be held. A test that would measure the true abilities of students in this school.

It was guaranteed to be more challenging than the casual pretest.

To be the top student in 12-A science program class, I had to get good grades from my fellow classmates. Of course, it was to pave the way for a scholarship program at Lir Trismaningsih State University.

Competing not only with 12-B science program class but also with 12-C social program class and 12-D social program class. I was sure that each class had its genius or brightest student.

In my mind, I shouted while clenching my fists, "Nia! You have to get good grades in the competency test. Stay focused, and you can do it!"

Back to the main issue swirling in my life. On one hand, I praised Gilang's courage to reject Feby the other day. However, on the other hand, I was confused about giving the right answer to Gilang.

Like a cowardly chicken. Gilang dared to reject Miss Popular. Why did I feel it was difficult to reject Gilang?

Still pondering the right answer, but my brain urged me to do something else.

"Ah! I'll think about that later. It's better to read the physics textbook first."

Then, I looked at the wide-open textbook. Trying to read it while waiting for the morning class to start. Trying to focus my thoughts into contemplation. It didn't work well. I needed something to stay focused. However, the issue with Gilang continued to haunt me.

I shook my head in frustration. "I can't focus on studying. I better deal with this first!" I exclaimed.

Unconsciously uttering that sentence. Luckily, the others didn't question it. Placing my hands on my chest, I then thought more clearly than before.

"Should I give Gilang a chance, or just reject him right away?" I asked myself internally, closing my eyes for a moment.

Like getting a flash of lightning.

I said, "I've decided!"

The air had swept away the strands on my head. Urging me to act suddenly. Following the desire and instinct to act. Looking around to find the presence of Gilang. Fortunately, my eyes found him.

Turns out, he was walking towards his desk. Normal and nothing conspicuous. However, there was something strange today. Like it wasn't the usual Gilang. The class atmosphere became even calmer.

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